2 days of Madonna madness. First night at Zouk was pretty disappointing. They barely played anything from the new album even though it was SUPPOSED to be an album preview. I must have heard 30 seconds of Sorry and I Love New York(other cities make me feel like a dork). The highlights were the "confessions" segment, where the winner claimed to have slept with her husband to be's father the night before she was married (I can TOTALLY see that happening, she looked down right SLUTTY), and the portion where those who came dressed as Madonna were asked to prance down the stage and STRUT their STUFF. Naturally, the one who won was the tranny wearing the pink leotard with hotpants and a strawberry blonde wig. She was SUCH an attetion whore. Seriously. While the others just did the catwalk and went back very quickly, she really took her time, pruning and preening, posing for the camera, doing all sorts of Hung Up-esque dance moves. She even did the "lying on the floor album cover pose" la! What more could you ask for? As the DJ said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, MADONNA is in the HOUSE!." It was also really great to see Melanie there. Lovely lady.
After the party we decided to leave because they were basically NOT playing ANY Madonna music, or ANY music with WORDS period. It was just beats beats beats and I fucking HATE that type of music. Went to the coffeeshop nearby and had SO much fun BITCHING about Mariah. It was humbling to be in the presence of Madonna fans who know so much more than me and who have been fans since the 80s/early 90s!
Saturday's Madonna party at Happy was better. I only decided to go for it when Tong said he had to leave in the evening. Was supposed to meet some of the same people from the day before but well...hahaha...ended up meeting Mengsta instead. Happy has the most GORGEOUS pictures of Madonna pinned up all over. I really wanted to steal them. STEAL THEM ALL! They were actually playing Madonna music all the way from 9-11 (SO much better than Zouk) but the fucked up thing was that NO ONE was BLOODY dancing! The MC for the evening (who hosts some Kids Central show) asked us to gather in front of the stage. There was a Madonna quiz and whoever could run up to the stage first would basically win the prize. They were giving away Hung Up singles, vouchers for Confessions On A Dancefloor, and the grand prize was a whole bunch of Madonna singles, a t-shirt, and a white VINYL version of the song!! I knew most of the answers but didn't go up, party because I was shy and partly because I was waiting for the biggest prize, which I thought would be the Motorola ROKR phone(they gave away 2 at Zouk you see).
So Meng and I made our way to the front just below the stage. The final prize of course wasn't the phone but still, was pretty cool all things considered. Final question, difficulty mode "hard", was "Name ALL the movie stars mentioned in Vouge."
Now, I SHOULD know this really, and I was trying to run through the names when Meng basically just PUSHED me forward la. What the hell! So that provided the momentun and I went up on stage.
"Full names?"
*in my mind* FUCK.
For the benefit of those who do not know ANYTHING about Vouge, it was a HUGE SMASH way back in 1990. US, UK, OZ #1 (and many other countries). It was bigger than MUSIC. It was partly inspired by a dance performed by gay men in New York clubs, in which they used a series of complex hand gestures to imitate their favourite Hollywood stars, as well as the models on the magazine Vogue, hence the name of the song. Anyway, towards the end of the song, Madonna pays homage to the great, classic stars of Hollywood.
Greta Garbo, and Monroe
Dietrich and DiMaggio
Marlon Brando, Jimmy Dean
On the cover of a magazine
Grace Kelly; Harlow, Jean
Picture of a beauty queen
Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire
Ginger Rogers, dance on air
They had style, they had grace
Rita Hayworth gave good face
Lauren, Katharine, Lana too
Bette Davis, we love youTo cut a long story short, I breezed through all the way till James Dean, where I stumbled a little, and people started to get RESTLESS. I got REALLY nervous and my mind just went blank. But I managed to go all the way till Rita Hayworth and added in Bette Davis and Katharine Hepburn. And then...I JUST FORGOT the last two!! That second last line...I've never been very COMFORTABLE with it. I mean, seriously, I didn't even know who the fuck Lana (Turner) was until VERY recently! They called another guy up and he managed to name everyone except two, and his TWO were different from mine! So we filled in each other's blank spaces really. I was given another chance but could only remember Lauren Bacall. So yeah. FLOP. I lost. Sob Sob. I will NEVER ever forget those lyrics again! Haha this Caucasian man came up to me later and told me that I deserved to win based on looks. *ego trip*
Anyway yeah 2 days of Madonna madness. And I didn't even get to hear much of the new album! But it was really enjoyable, especially the second night la. Meng and I went to Whynot after that which was basically an even bigger ego trip. Hahaha. Danced our asses off to Hung Up, GET RIGHT etc etc. I don't need to do any cardio today. Well then. Don't just stand there, let's get to it, strike a pose, there's nothing to it, VOUGE!