I succumbed. After Confessions On A Dance Floor leaked last week, I chose not to download any of the songs, thinking that I would actually put the $20 I was going to spend on the CD to SOME use. I didn't want to have heard all the songs and then buy the CD 2 weeks later and go..."Now what?" Also consider that I was just too damn lazy to go song hunting. I may LOVE Maddy, but I only do the crazy loony fan stuff when it comes to Brit (like spending money on a pathetic remixes CD which will be out in a fortnight).
So I downloaded just *one* song, How High, produced by Bloodshy and Avant(TOXIC, enough said). I also made the effort not to listen to it too many times, something like under 5. It's pretty ok.
But when Confessions appeared on MTV's The Leak yesterday, I just couldn't control myself. Thank goodness you can only play the album as a whole from the start to the end. So yeah I closed the file after the first three songs. Hung Up, Get Together and Sorry. An hour ago, I heard the latter two for the second time. MY GOD. Get Together is FAB. Seriously. Fab. It has this atmosphere about it that I LOVE in songs. Think Naughty Girl by Holly Valance, or the bridge of That's Where You Take Me. Ok I'm probably the only one who knows what I'm refering to here haha. Urm...one of those songs that is just relaxing yet manages to excite, to give that out of body feeling. Like when you're on a highway looking down at the sparkling sea below. I must sound mad. But yeah I love songs like that. Sorry is amazing too. I am a big fan of the different languages thing and it IS catchy and hooky. Cool robotic voices too. I always take a while to connect with songs(even something insanely catchy and gay like Hung Up), but I suspect it won't take me much longer to really DIG these other two. Hopefully the rest of the album is like this. Very few songs I like on first listen. One is Shakira's Don't Bother. Another one is Pink's Just Like A Pill. But I digress. It's ALL about MADONNA MADONNA and MADONNA now. I shall be at HMV on Monday to PURCHASE my discotastic copy of Confessions On A Dance Floor, and it'd be the first album I buy in quite a while. Naughty, naughty me.
All is not well in Simon-town right now. But I've said it all before.

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