Coming Down Like The Dow Jones
I felt light today. Driving test over (and coming again in Nov grrr), property assignment submitted, and company presentation done, I finally felt the brief respite that I believe the Sem break was supposed (and failed) to provide. As I walked home today, rain beat down on my face and my jacket glistened under the streetlights, and it felt like a physical manifestation of all my concerns being washed away, at least for the rest of the day. And then the grind starts again. But there's much to be happy for.
1) Mama Mia was... ok. Nothing spectacular but quite enjoyable. Meryl has the strangest inflections sometimes
2) I'm saddened by JBJ's passing. He was a courageous man who fought for his convictions at whatever price. I think he would gladly have been a minister for a nominal sum, something which by their own tacit admission, I doubt our current ministers would do.
3) Unlike ZX, I am a capitalist at heart. When times are bad, people look to its follies and shortcomings, but when the bulls are running and the money is rolling, do we ever take time to appreciate it? The markets are destroying themselves and will emerge reincarnated sooner or later. Chill. I would buy shares now if I had the money... or rather if I could be bothered to go through the hassle (I don't know what my mum has done with my money) and was not so risk-adverse.
First verse is very... identifiable with.