Mr Bad Media Karma

A cursory peek into my fucked-up life. Rants and raves, musings and madness - come get your piece of me.

Monday, September 22, 2008


I've never paid much attention to my balcony - its where we hang out towels and washing, basically, and the floor is really dusty. As is so often the case, it took an outsider in the form of Tong to tell me that my balcony had, in his words, 'potential' (which is quite the statement from someone who has always called my house a dump - and I can't disagree really). Potential for what I'm not quite so sure, but there we were, in the wee hours of Saturday morning, smoking and letting the Peach Chardonnay settle.

Yes, the AC boys and Lena came over for a reunion of sorts, with sustenance and plenty of laughter to go round. It'd been a while since I've seen them as a group, and the feeling is always one of warm comfort and familiarity (these are people who have seen it all really, literally seen it all). The rather cozy blanket of nostalgia wrapped warmly around me, the cigarette smoke wafting in the air, the post-alcohol daze, all very good for calming my heightened nerves and numbing the pain and uncertainty I felt.

LAW IV musical tonight was good, better than I expected, and it was nice to know that Yalan wrote the script. I got most of it - the Boston Legal - esque breaking of the fourth wall, the allusions to our present predicament as lawyers, the innuendo (come or die) etc. Following which we headed to Breko's at Holland Village with Pat and ZX who joined us a little later.

I may be pushing too far, too fast... which is obviously not the best way to go about this but I really don't know how else to deal. It's new and unexplored and quite possibly dangerous, but I feel an inexorable need/consuming desire to plunge right in. I do hope the padding's strong enough.


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