Sick Of Your Berry Buzzin' All In My Face
I got a call from George Huang today. Asking me about research (barely getting started) and exams (bitched about how fucking C+rim basically pissed all over the rest of my pretty grades - I know I should not be complaining but fuck it really really annoys me). And then well, turns out that George Huang was... Jin. Either (1) he's really good at imitating George's... manner of speaking or (2) I'm damn stupid. We had a good laugh over it for like a couple of minutes.
Lazed around for the entire day, not exactly making the best use of my holidays am I?
There are so many things I have to do, but I'm too damn lazy to get started. Among them, get my driving license (which was a resolution for 2006 and 2007 btw), learn French (ditto), learn to cook/bake (ditto)... the list goes on.
Add to that the things I've already committed myself to doing - orientation, research, article writing etc. and one wonders how I can just sit around at home and do nothing the whole day.
But maybe this is what holidays should be like?
Speaking of holidays, my bank account is going to FLAIL soon. Have yet to book accommodation for HK and beach holiday, and now am already looking forward to the end of the year and getting tickets for New York.
My life should be blossoming now, I'm going to regret not making full use of my summer hols. Again.