9 days into the job. It's been sweet. I've attended the Singapore Fashion Festival press conference with Vivienne Tam and Ai Tominaga, the River Island and Tangs Playlab runway shows (and will be going for Woods & Woods this Saturday - so excited!), free tickets to The Hitcher (you can read my review at www.trevvy.com), complimentary Elton John Greatest Hits CD, VIP entry at St. James Fabulous Sundays, and met some really interesting people from music labels, theatre production, the media at large - actually I'd love to be in PR or media-related work but unfortunately I have already chosen my course in life. Only thing is, while the official working hours are from 2.30 to 6.30, I'm working a lot longer than that. Meetings at 11 in the morning, fielding phone calls while I'm having sex (in the morning of course not at the office), checking e-mail, editing articles till 2.15 AM in the morning. It can be stressful at times. But it's very satisfying. Besides, if I'm going to be working 16 hour days at Drew & Napier in the future, I sure as hell better be ready for some stress. Anyway here are some pictures from the River Island and Playlab fashion shows.

I love that outfit from the River Island show. And the model. But that's another issue.

Models making their final walk at the River Island show.

Pics from the Playlab show. I was in the second row and was able to get better pictures than River Island.
On the personal front, I'm newly single again. And happy. Been doing so many things with Meng and Wei Ren. Wine tasting at MOX (love the Reisling), talk on being gaily single at MOX (again), dancing the night away at St. James, embarking on an aborted mission to The Loof (all thanks to the rain), apart from the usual gym and dinner routine. Also met NENA CHEE for the first time in weeks la. Terrible that girl.
So I'm sitting alone here in the office now, looking out the window at the city skyline and typing this out (it's already past working hours la), waiting for Meng to finish whatever he's doing so we can attend some fashion industry event at Play. Haven't been to Play before so should be great!
That's about it from me for now. Catch you guys another time!