"Is that MY porBEM?" The warrant officer posed that question to me after I explained why I wasn't wearing my beret upon booking into camp. For the benefit of the clueless, the SAF is very anal about wearing headress when walking in the open within camp in uniform. I had tried to explain that since I had just posted out of my previous unit, and thus had to return the beret I had drawn from them, I was now lacking a beret(well actually I lost the beret I drew many many months ago and then misplaced the replacement a long time ago too, thus I didn't actually return ANY beret to the old camp, but that really ISN'T the POINT...oh and I lost my jockey cap too). After taking the effort to explain the situation to him in simple English in the hope that he would understand, that was his reply. Well guess what buster it IS your DAMN PORBEM because you just chose to question me about it you uneducated FOOL.
So work today was just shit again. I had sms-ed someone in the morning in the hope of starting a conversation to relieve me of my boredom. And I basically got texts from EVERYONE except for him. TYPICAL. I really can't be arsed to describe how useless and irritating a day at work in camp is so i won't bother. It's kindda like walking into a wall repeatedly.
Fast forward to 6PM. I find myself at Jurong Point looking for Differin gel. The person at Guardian informs me that it's prescription only. GREAT! It was good to see Matthew again. I really miss the people and the working conditions at 40, believe it or not. Just a few days ago I was ecstatic to get out of there. It's amazing how SOME things change within days isn't it? Current office feels like it was made for DWARFS and GNOMES. It's so terribly CRAMP and RUN-DOWN. I'd imagine a post office in India to resemble my workplace really. (And is it really that hard to reply to that?) Matthew da kind soul brought me up to some girly cosmetic shop and called his girlfriend to ask what brand of concealer she used. He even helped me buy it. So nice right Matthew? And in case you're wondering...YES I do need concealer. Having this horrible zit outbreak right now which needs to be HIDDEN and eventually ERADICATED.
On the train back from Boon Lay, there was a gap between me and the next person. This GROTESQUELY FAT man then walks in and proceeds to motion to me to move aside with a wave of his gigantic hand. He sits down and takes up ONE AND A HALF seats forcing me to move left. HEY BUSTER just because you have A LOT of extra weight doesn't mean you can throw it at me. I hate these type of people.
On the topic of hatred, what's with prosecuting those 3 guys man? If you've been living in a CAVE for the past few months (but even then you HAVE to know that Britney gave birth to a baby boy no?), or are simply blessed enought not to live on my sunny island, lemme give you the 411. 3 Chinese guys were recently charged for making racist comments about Malays/Muslims under some obscure sedition act. I mean seriously, what's the big deal? It's not like they're going around slaying Muslims or something. EVERYONE has the right to an opinion and the right to EXPRESS that DAMN opinion. Even racists. And last time I checked racism wasn't a criminal offence. And isn't it just LOVELY how such a hardline stance is taken against racism while negative and discriminatory attitudes towards other topics (a la homosexuality) are dismissed and even condoned. "Oh Singapore is still a conservative society." Use that to excuse one form of discrimination and come down so hard on another form. Outstanding.
Oh I just read the most HILARIOUS thing. Apparently Heather Mills lost her leg during a PETA protest against Jenny Lo's use of fur.
"A protester with Heather tells Star that as building security at her office forced the protestors out, Heather's leg became partially detached in the crush of a crowd. Security then denied her request to use a bathroom to reattach it in private, forcing her into an emergency stairwell instead."
I'm sorry but I find that just absolutely hilarious. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That should teach her to mess with JENNIFER LYNN LOPEZ NOA JUDD ANTHONY. I'm sorry but I can't STAND PETA. I'm an animal lover and all (tho' I would wear a nice expensive CHINCHILLA coat), but PETA just takes it to the extreme.
Well I guess that's it for tonight. You can expect more venting tomorrow...oh and I'll probably write about how fucked up Germany is for not giving Angela Merkel the support she needed to reform their damn economy.