A Miss Is As Good As A Mile
So how did you folks find the Oscar's this year? Most people watched the first couple of hours, found it boring, and turned off their tellys/switched to another channel. Ellen was competent, if a little lightweight, in her role as host. Loved the joke about how there would be no Oscar's if there were no Jews, blacks and gays - and no one named Oscar, if you think about it.
I took part in this contest to predict the winners in the 4 main categories. Chosen entries would receive a VIP membership at Cathay which would allow for a year of free movies - very, very appealing indeed. Sadly, I only got 3 out of 4 correct - was spot on for lead actor, actress and director, but for some reason predicted Little Miss Sunshine winning best picture. Grrr.
I found it ironic that while they were proclaiming this year's ceremony to be the most international in terms of nominees, the announcer said that The Departed was a remake of a film from Japan. I guess to the Americans, Japan, China and Hong Kong are interchangeable. In fact, a few days ago, I even read someone saying he didn't know that Chinese and Japanese were two different languages. It's sad really. We know so much about the West, and they're barely aware of our countries, let alone our history or culture.
Anyway, I found the 79th Academy Awards to be pretty good. Was pleasantly surprised(although I sort of expected it) that Melissa Etheridge won for best song over the multiple Dreamgirls nominations. I expected something like that because the Dreamgirls votes were effectively split in 3. Oddly enough, Beyonce seemed to turn in a better performance than J Hud, and my goodness Anika Noni Rose can SING! Celine Dion made a surprise appearance and unfortunately sang an utterly bland and boring number. With Leonardo(hot hot hot!) and Kate(divine) in the Kodak, I half expected her to break out into 'My Heart Will Go On' midway. Now that would have been spectacular!
The highlight of the night was the skit between Anne, Emily and Meryl. Whether planned or improvised, it was hilarious! Meryl is fabulous in every sense of the word, and I wouldn't be surprised if she just improvised her part because she's great at that sort of thing. I have to get The Devil Wears Prada on DVD!
Also loved when Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and Francis Ford Coppola jointly presented Martin Scorsese with his long overdue award for best director.
While Helen Mirren certainly deserved to win, I do hope that Meryl Streep wins at least another Oscar in the future and please give KATE WINSLET her first Oscar within this decade!
That's all.