Mr Bad Media Karma

A cursory peek into my fucked-up life. Rants and raves, musings and madness - come get your piece of me.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

dancing in moonlight, i know you are free

The trinity was together again at Taboo last night, and what a night it was! A Trevvy-organised Dreamgirls launch party in conjunction with Taboo's handbag night! What more could a gay man ask for? Having not been to Taboo for several months, I was pleasantly surprised with the music last night. Lots of late 90's/early 00's music - ie the stuff of my long gone teenage years. Together Again and In Your Eyes were particularly memorable. Had a heck of a good time just losing myself to the music. They even played Samantha Mumba's Gotta Tell You! It was great to be back at Tabs with the boys and we left for Maxwell around 3 to just sit and talk, which you can't exactly do in a club without damaging your voice/hearing.

Oh the Dreamgirls segment was great actually! Much better than your typical Taboo special event. Addie looked fabulous in an oversized blonde wig - indeed oversized hair was in vogue last night - as did Stevie with his rather vulgar but admittedly enjoyable sense of humour. There was even one drag queen who vaguely resembled Beyonce! Props to Trevvy (and by extension a certain Jonathan Tan) for organising the segment. It was fun!

In other news, yes I'm still working - you can see the money in my eyes, unfortunately a bit too literally. What was supposed to last a couple of weeks has now ended up dragging into potentially more than a month, which is sort of good for me financially(but not socially) and not so good for my boss.

While I don't feel like I'm wasting my time(because I am earning money), I do get this recurring feeling that I'm not making much out of my life. Not accomplishing much. All this time spent working is supposed to give me the necessary financial freedom to embark on the various "enriching" activities I wish to partake in, as well as to ensure that I have a decent monthly allowance to survive on once I matriculate. So at the end of the day I tell myself it's worth it, crazy dark circles and all.


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