Post Then Post La
I was thinking of leaving this till tomorrow but since I've already uploaded the pictures I'll get on with it now. Spent the past half an hour reading my old entries, which never fail to make me laugh. Narcissist, thy name is Simon.
Sooo, Jin's 22nd! Apparently I behaved as though it was my own birthday, but the underlying intention was to make sure that the somewhat disparate group of people gathered at the Loof were comfortable with each other...and I daresay that everyone had an enjoyable time.
Before meeting everyone else, Cheryl, Jin and I (sans Sam Anna Lee who is in Bangkok), had dinner at Sun With Moon (which is a rather peculiar name, even for a Jap restaurant), followed by Veuve Clicquot which champagne, which Jin had brought along in an orange bucket.
The birthday boy should never be punctual for his own party and he wasn't...we were 45 minutes late actually. But some others were even later, which is amazing to think about. Punctuality has gone out the window with the advent of the mobile phone.
It proved to be a great mix of people, the mingling, the conversation, the laughter, things I live for really. When I don't feel anti-social. And I wasn't last night! That's what alcohol does to me.
Some of us headed to Fabulous after that...pretty uneventful. I'm over clubbing. I really am.
Today. Lunch with Zx at The Line. The Line. Lingering fond memories of my birthday dissipated when faced with the fucking crowds and the, frankly, mediocre food. The variety is there but the quality simply isn't. A harsh assessment indeed (particularly when you consider how much they bloody charge), but true. I shall be parking my money elsewhere in the future.
Zx had to run off whatever it is that he does...and I was well prepared. Bought a coffee from Starbucks (where else?), sat my ass down, and watched 2 episodes from Season 5 of SATC on my MacBook. So completely immersed myself in the show, I may as well have been in a coffeehouse in Manhattan.
Headed to the gym and then to Spinelli's (gosh the amount of money I've been spending on these coffeehouses ah) where I waited for Weiren to be done. Wanted to introduce him to the delicious wanton mee at the Heeren but apparently he's known of it since secondary school. I must not have had a childhood.
So we retreated to the usual place and then walked all the way to Tony Romas to meet Tong for drinks. Had a huge ass strawberry swirl thing and, as usual, was entertained by the one-of-a-kind person that is Tong Wei Chuen. I have come to appreciate Tong more and more over the years. And of course I now know that he actually bothers to read this so I shall flatter accordingly. But its true. I was always...obsessed...with Tong, but its only been over the past few years that I've actually been able to appreciate the wacky friendship we have.
Friendship. Maybe that's all that will sustain me in the end. And you know what, I'm none the poorer for it. There are some spaces that friendships simply don't fill la, I stand by that, but as Carrie Bradshaw says, at the end of your life, that's all you're left with. Of course, I don't see myself as an elderly widow on the bus to Atlantic City, so I'm not quite sure how applicable the statement is to me.
Tomorrow...or should I say later today, will be the wedding dinner. SHARKS FIN SHARKS FIN YAY! *Jinesh gets upset*
I am 55 and friendship has sustained me. It will you too.
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