Mr Bad Media Karma

A cursory peek into my fucked-up life. Rants and raves, musings and madness - come get your piece of me.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Counting Down The Days

I just realised that I have very cute nephews and nieces. These adorable blond things. I shall take pictures on Tuesday and bask in the reflected glory.

So the wedding today was not as bad as I had expected. Endured the singing of hymns, slept through part of the mini sermon, groaned at some of the vows, and felt unmoved by the prayer. I am a terrible, terrible Christian. Do I even have the right to consider myself Christian any longer, what with the aversion to church and the desire to read 'The God Delusion'?

Mum has said ad nauseam that one day I will see the beauty of the Faith, and that she looks forward to the day we can share spiritual...succor, and I scoff, I laugh, I mock. But why am I doing this really? Rejecting that which I feel has rejected me?

But in any case, yes I have precious precious ang moh relatives who are so cute they make me want to consider having children. The question is how to ensure they come out with blond hair and blue eyes. Haha I am disgusting.

After the wedding went into town to finish Operation JBP, which had a very...unexpected...but no less satisfactory result. Mission accomplished I hope its looked on favorably.

Met Jun Sheng for dinner at Ambush, which I just went to with Tong and Gerald two days ago after KhattarWong meeting. Went to Starbucks where, having read the papers (and Details), we just talked. And talked. And sometimes that's the perfect pastime. I have been contributing quite a bit to the green mermaid recently.

Last night, after injuring myself at the gym, I met Jon and Shaun and we embarked on a quest to find a place to eat dinner in Orchard on a weekend night, which is nigh impossible. Ended up at some Yum Cha restaurant in International Plaza, also known as FAR COAST building (and NO IT IS NOT CLOSING DOWN).

I miss my Far Coast. I've reverted to Starbucks in the meantime.

Drove over to PS for yummy desert, fries, and drink, and more talk. Jon says that I'll never get together with anyone because my conversation topics are too cerebral (he used 'atas' la but I shall take the liberty of paraphrasing). Now of course I protested, 'I just spent a whole night talking about normal fun stuff what!', but I suppose it is - to an extent - somewhat true.

I have effectively drained my pool to the point where it has become a wading pool, no, a jacuzzi, and even then I'm not willing to go in and get wet. So how? Stay dry lor.


For a glimpse of what I may become in the future, I need look no further than my Caucasian uncle, in town for the wedding, who I had the pleasure of speaking with today. Not many people would consider it a pleasure I reckon. He enjoys making somewhat one-sided conversation, and I mostly listened to him talking about Taiwan (where he now lives) and Australia (where he is from) - the economy, history, government, people...basically things that would bore most of my family to bits, which explains why very few of them are willing to entertain him. Apparently they think him snobby and aloof...and I suspect that has something to do with them simply not *getting* what he's saying.

The thing is, I *understand* exactly how that feels, and I listened attentively and patiently, because I can be JUST LIKE THAT sometimes. I'll talk about something I'm interested in, that most common folk have absolutely no regard for, and I'll just go on conducting a "conversation", thinking myself the most fascinating conversationalist in the world, when in actual fact I'm boring people to bits.

As Tong says, "Simon, can you just shut up for 5 minutes?"

But yeah la I do empathize with my Uncle Wahlquist. And I'm concurrently TERRIFIED that I'll end up like him. I can see my pool getting smaller and smaller even as I type this. Haha.

But you guys love me right?



Vad else vad else. Thursday Tong, Gerald and I, having eaten at Ambush, headed to Marche at Vivocity. Tong is the funniest person in the world. Like, seriously.

Tong: "I just realised I have claustrophobia"
[note Tong is also afraid of heights]
Me: "You seem to have a lot of phobias. Claustrophobia, height phobia...homophobia"
Tong: "Use the correct term. I'm not afraid of gays. I hate them."

Classic. The ping pong between Tong and Gerald is also fucking hilarious at times.

Sometimes I feel like the luckiest person in the world to know the people I do. And sometimes I feel like fucking shit.


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