On Acrinomy, Boredom and Coffee

Acrimony? I needed a word starting with 'A' to complement B and C and that was the first thing which popped into my head. It isn't particularly out of place either, when you consider the tone of my first phone conversation with Jin today. No we weren't quarreling (I bet people are waiting for that to happen). I was just being a bit of a bitch and he remarked that I sounded awfully bitter. Hence acrimony. I'm feeling marginally better now but I suppose that's what a caramel frappe does to you.
Boredom doesn't need elaboration. An apt description for my whole day thus far, although I am having dinner with the AC gang later so thats something to look forward to.
Coffee...self-explanatory. Having walked from Hermes to the Heeren and back again, I finally found a Starbucks that wasn't ridiculously crowded by way of the Orchard Parade Hotel outlet, and I sit here now tip tip tapping on my keys when I'm supposed to be doing work (FOCC la, not academic - I'm not THAT crazy).
Caught the Golden Compass with Weiren and Jin yesterday. Having seen Stardust recently, this one was a bit of a comedown, but it certainly wasn't as abysmally bad as Jin made it out to be. He was practically begging for the movie to end. Nicole Kidman was divine. I've never been a fan but she turned in a great performance.
Tis the season to rain. We don't have winter and snow during Christmas season, but we do have ample precipitation. I love the rain, but not when I'm looking to get out of the house without carrying that cumbersome thing called an umbrella. Wah it's damn cold here.
I was looking at the weather forecast for Ulan Bator and holy smoly, the temperature goes into negative territory 8 months of the year. Looks like we've found the perfect city for the Lalwani to work in.
Fuck la my MacBook's been on for about 45 minutes only and only has another 1:09 left. What the HELL is wrong with the battery you tell me.
Sales aplenty everywhere. Long queues outside Prada, Gucci, Coach and, of course, Louis Vuitton (its become the norm rather than the exception there). Trust Singaporeans with a bit of money and even less taste to go for the mass-market luxury labels. I'll stick to Bottega and Hermes, thank you very much. I speak like I have the money for these big-ticket purchases when in fact don't. But when I do, no gaudy monograms (a la Gucci and LV) and pseudo-luxury made-in-China labels (Coach, I'm looking at you) for moi.
In the meantime, I shall resume my attempt to sell ice to Eskimos. Twars!
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