Mr Bad Media Karma

A cursory peek into my fucked-up life. Rants and raves, musings and madness - come get your piece of me.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007


I just printed out my contract notes...notes that I've spent the past month painfully collating. They're warm, crisp and...only useful till 1pm tomorrow. Actually contract's not so bad - at least I'll have to refer to them again at the end of year 1. Torts was the worst. Page after page after page of notes that I used for like, 2 - 3 days and have absolutely no need for anymore. Hell I left all my Torts things in the locker after last Tuesday's exam and have yet to claim them.

The weather today is NOT CONDUCIVE to studying in the least. Seriously. I spent the better part of today fighting an insatiable sleep vortex. Never mind, once contract is over tomorrow I can get all the bloody sleep I want. My accumulated sleep debt manifests itself in the disgusting pair of bulges under my eyes.

Chengying: 'Since the exams started you've been looking very disheveled.'

Never shave, never cut hair, skincare regime cut back to bare essentials...That's how I've been living the past month. But behold, Emancipation looms. The Butterfly Within awaits release.


At least I don't have to see that fucking inbred couple again. But the image of that slob of a girl doing her 'victory dance' after winning some spastic game, fats jiggling about uncontrollably, is eternally vividly emblazoned in my mind.

And yet you're so far
Like a distant star
I'm wishing on tonight

What's with the random M references I wonder. Must be the product of seeing the Lalwani everyday...

Actually I've got infinite lyrics running through my head at all times of the day. Today it's been 'When we live such fragile lives, it's the best way we survive...I'll keep you my dirty little secret, don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret...Who has to know?'

Some random lyric just pops up and I can't help but hum and, yes, *sing* it. I try not to overuse my Grammy© - or is that Abu Ghraib - award-winning voice, which is why when friends hear me sing, it's a rare treat indeed. Some people have been known to savor it so much they simply go deaf after that because no other sound is comparable.

Ah I'm talking nonsense again. OMG in 24 hours IT WILL BE OVER. Time to hunker now and wrestle with Contract Law then.


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