Mr Bad Media Karma

A cursory peek into my fucked-up life. Rants and raves, musings and madness - come get your piece of me.

Saturday, December 01, 2007


'We suggest that you allocate approximately 2 hours to attempt each question.' - Singapore Legal System Examination Instructions and Information, 30 Oct 2007

JOKE OF THE YEAR! 2 hours per question? 4 papers = 8 hours in total? YA TELL THAT TO THE 90% OF US WHO WENT WITHOUT A WINK OF SLEEP THROUGHOUT THE 24 HOUR PERIOD. Worst 24 hours of my law school life ever.

By the time I had done formatting and printed all 4 questions, it was already 9.30AM, which means that I effectively took slightly under 6 hours per question. The WORST time was between 4am and 7am during which I effectively shut down. I was awake but I might as well not have been, and the consequence of that was a shitty answer that fell a couple of hundred words short of the 1250 word limit, which means I'm getting a C...or something. My answers to Institutions and, ironically, International Law (ironic because I skipped half the lectures and had not done the readings properly) were good, if I may say so myself. Private Law answers were...mediocre...and Constitutional Law...which was supposed to be a chance for me to shine, was that nadir of an essay that failed to even break the 4 digit word limit. My only salvation is the bell curve.

So at 9.35AM I hopped into a taxi which my mum called 5 minutes before and got to school, but not before cracking my I-pod earphones because one side got stuck in between the taxi door and the seat when I slammed the door shut. Damn pissed off. They're still working so I'll probably continue using them for now, hopefully I don't get electrocuted - can get nice new ones at the 5-story APPLE STORE in TOKYO!

Finally got to school - A SIGHT TO BEHOLD INDEED! I was saying we should have brought a camera to school because EVERYONE LOOKED TERRIBLE, myself included. Sam started laughing the moment she saw me. Caleb look he had aged 20 years in a night, almost everyone was wearing spectacles and horrible clothes. It was, in an odd way, comforting to realise that I wasn't the only one who had been suffering and who had not gotten a moment of sleep. Nalli said she fell asleep in the car...while she was at the wheel =D. Amazingly, after not getting any sleep for 24 hours, Chery Chua still looked like...Cheryl Chua. Jin said it's damn unfair. Hoho.

We spent the next hour plus in school, uploading our electronic copy of our work onto IVLE...the process took such a long time because Jin was admiring his essays - they were entertaining la. Bolsters, NKF, creatures and all.

We talked to Diyanah for a bit and Year 2 Sam walked past, looking very...shaggy, and advised us to get some sleep. But did we listen? NOOOO!

While everyone was going home to get some shut-eye, Jin and I decided to go down to town for a while, just to 'reward' ourselves...I was remarking that we were probably the only year 1s crazy enough to not go home and sleep after 24 hours of physical and mental torture.

So there we were in Bugis, perusing Topman, flipping through magazines (what's new) at Kino, trying not to be overcome by sheer tiredness. Had wanton mee at that place below the offices I used to work at just earlier this year - and that seems like a lifetime away - and we just savored the beautiful day. It was a pity we spent most of it rushing, comatose, and then sleeping, because it was one of those rare days when you're just glad to be living in Singapore. Incessant breeze, enough sun to keep you warm without being overbearing, no humidity (which is really the worst thing about living here, the whole sweating-like-a-pig thing).


Was remarking at the considerable progress I have made since this all started 3 months ago. Yet there is this constant insecurity that something will go bad soon, that this state of affairs is fleeting and ephemeral, and the prospect of losing when I've become...relatively dependent...terrifies me. Like the prospect of getting a B. Or worse.


At 6:06 AM , Blogger x`tine said...

I smashed my earphones in the door of a taxi too last year.

At 11:28 PM , Blogger craptasticqueer said...

what can I say, 24 hours of not sleeping + rush to get to school = smashed earphones. now they're completely gone. the insides came out like entrails. lucky i got cheapo ones to tide me over for now...


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