On the Consequences of Inbreeding

It's mostly the girl la. She is fucking annoying. But her boyfriend is an enabler no doubt, and it is most unnerving to see him stroking her, as though she were a (fat) Persian cat, for the world to see.
And if that was all to it, I suppose you could look away. But they IMPOSE themselves on your senses. She is making all sorts of noises, from squeals to squawks, and has this penchant for various soft toys which she strokes and strangles and places on the windowsill.
She was playing some computer game on her laptop earlier and asked her boyfriend to try it, and when he did, proceeded to make strange "chuchuchuchuchu" and slurping noises. And then she wanted to beat his hand with a plastic ruler. And now she's shaking her fucking body because she won a game or something. Everyone around is staring at her la.
Now all this would be endearing - if they were 12 - but taken in the context of the law library, it's extremely annoying. I come here to (try and) study, not to watch two inbreds kissing and caressing each other. Hella annoying.
I think they deserve each other really. No one else seems to want to mix with them, and I suspect that they're perfectly fine with that.
Fuck la she just let out this 'heh heh heh' sound...damn fucking weird.
In other news, I went through one of those "I-miss-Meng&Weiren" phases last night. Weiren's coming back on Tuesday (wah damn fast) so that's something to look forward to.

Bitch is crunching on potato chips now. Seriously. She has to constantly produce *some* kind of sound.
*EDIT* OMG SHE JUST LET OUT A BELLOW! It sounded like 'BLEEEEEEEARGH'. Probably because she lost at bloody Pacman. Seriously. She looks like a beached whale and now she sounds like one too.
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