S _ _ T
So Choo B is contemplating the possibility of engraving a tattoo of some sort onto himself. I've never been fond of tattoos. They're ugly and when you finally do regret having them it's a pain in the ass to get them removed. So we were throwing around suggestions (Heartbreaker, ponies, glitter) when Meng suggested that certain four letter word starting with S and ending with T. And our poor Choo B was utterly cluess as to what S _ _ T stands for. Meng tried to throw him off with, for lack of better prose, "SHIT", and that just made Wei Ren even more confused. It was such a Jessica moment I couldn't stop laughing. The bewildered look on his face was just priceless. So this goes on for more than a minute and after playing wheel of fortune and Vanna White he still doesn't get it. It's either an issue of SERIOUS Jessica-itis or maybe he just doesn't associate himself with that term. Which of course is a moot point if you've read his latest blog entry. Yes Wei Ren, come out and embrace it. Haha. I'm in no position to judge la. Personally I'd throw morals to the wind and be every bit the promiscuous boy if I had the same opportunities as him. Sadly, it's the chances that are sorely lacking. Does that bother me? Potentially. What's more worrying is how I take everything people say about Britney so personally. Still. It's really very ridiculous, and I don't think I'm as obsessed as I once was, so why does every criticism (the unjustified, ignorant, plain ol stupid ones) make my heart drop? REE DEE CUE LOUS I tell ya!
I'm 8 episodes into Sex And The City and loving every moment of it! I'm trying to space out the episodes so that it will last me for at least half a year. Feels more like the authentic experience too. I do wonder what some of my primary school classmates are like now. Of course, some I've seen in SA. People like Winnie, George, Joshua, Daniel Tan, even Goh Jia En. Others not so much. Especially those from lower primary. Have been blog-surfing occasionally (note careful choice of words here) and it does seem like one or two of them have grown up to be people I can actually see myself liking. Doubt they would remember me in any case. Meh.
I'm no Carrie Bradshaw and I'm not going to pretend to be (for tonight anyway), so you're spared from hearing me rant. My MacBook gets worryingly hot sometimes, even when I'm not using battery power. That is somewhat disconcerting.

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