Assorted TIDBITS
Well well well. Quite a bit's been going on this past week. NATIONAL DAY EVE! Another night of dancing and ogling at Taboo. I figure that if I do hit that damn place regularly, I'm SURE to get laid EVENTUALLY. I mean, it HAS to happen some day right? It's always so anti-climatic having to take the taxi back home. And now I sound desperate. I'm not really. REALLY! It wasn't cool that they recycled the same old songs from last Saturday tho'. Push The Button, Hung Up, and probably lots of vocaless crap that I don't recognize but was played. Oh and let's not forget the regrettably ubiquitous Pussycatdolls with their generic nonsense. Loosen up your buttons? No thanks I'd rather push them.
Anyways the next day we met in Orchard (again) and ended up watching 'The Lakehouse' starring Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves, who is PAINFUL to watch when he attempts to cry or indeed show any form of emotion whatsoever. The movie was better than I expected. In all honesty, I though it'd be pretty crap and the only reason I paid my 10 bucks was because there were no other movies around that time and we didn't want to wait around for 2 hours. The time lapse was a little disorienting initially, but once you tackled that decidedly minor obstacle, the movie proved to be competent. I adored the lakehouse. Wouldn't want to live there alone but it'd make a lovely setting for romance and sex and all that jazz. Also appreciated the focus on Chicago. I've always though that Chicago was a beautiful city and the movie did nothing to dispel that impression. There's this familiar yet alien feeling you get when contemplating the cityscape, because on one hand you've seen these buildings before (and I'm not just talking about the Sears Tower here), while on the other they're not as instantly recognisable as the Manhattan skyline. So I am looking forward to The Breakup, which I suspect will offer panoramic views of Chic, among other things.
After the movie we made our way to Fish & Co where we tried our best not to be impressed by the National Day Parade that was showing on TV, but couldn't help admitting that it was, on some level, rather...amusing. As CHOO said, no other country actually has an official parade every year to celebrate it's founding. I mean the fireworks on 4 July may be impressive and iconic, but this whole parade, with all the shebang, does take a lot more effort than just setting off fireworks. I suppose that's one of the perks of having an army of conscripts that don't have to take part in conflicts in Iraq or Afghanistan and where one of the main ways of proving one's worth is not by displaying military prowess but by being a contributing factor to the sucess of a two-bit parade. Ok my cynicism is showing again let's get past it pronto. Snap! (FYI the service at Fish & Co @ Wheelock is, for want of a better or indeed more fitting word, SHIT) Oh yes I finally found out what SAMAZOZI's atrocious la.
Thursday was gym night again and we proceeded to have dinner at Subway. More Kim Jong-Il, SAMAZOZIs, ABISHAGANEDANs, ABU NA NA GARDENS, TAEPODONGS, KIMCHI, and assorted fetishes that WR and Meng can't seem to stop indulging in. It's always terribly hilarious. Go up to South Koreans and speak mambo jumbo pseudo-Korean to them and add in the words KIM JONG-IL, and they will scream "AHHH" and run away. Meng did it so effortlessly. It was really very very funny. Anyway Phuket's coming up and I'm trying not to think about it yet because I still have a couple months of army to get through, but no doubt it's going to be very exciting indeed. Should I visit daddy in California tho'? If he was in LA or SF I wouldn't be posing this question at all, but apparently he's in some industrial area. Maybe I can be the next Karen Silkwood. Hur hur hur.
Anyway we're gearing up for the VMAs and PARIS made some promotional pics which really leave me at a loss for words.

Paris Hilton, in GLASSES, READING A BOOK, SITTING NEXT TO A LIFE SIZED MOONMAN! It's so utterly trashy and so superbly engaging all at the same time. This year's VMAs look more interesting than previous years (which isn't that hard really, and I still haven't forgiven them for what they did to Toxic back in '04). Hopefully Cuntina doesn't win anything. That's my one wish this year. On the topic of that heiress, I listened to some clips of her album on AOL and it's ok la. The vocals are really flimsy and her voice sounds so brittle it could break into two at any moment but I've never been one of those close-minded snobs who dismisses anyone with less than stellar vocals. Pop music is about so much more than having a good voice really. When will people realize that? WAKE UP AND SMELL THE DAMN COFFEE LA!
Wake me up when September ends. Because when it does, I start to clear my leave. The SAF has been an...experience la. That's all I can say. Other than that, SOS get me outta here ASAP! I carried my SATC DVD back from the post office in a big Gucci bag. Isn't that just funny. The kind lady at the Post Office asked me if I needed a bag because my parcel was so big and then proceeded to pull a Gucci shopping bag out of her ass. This reminds me of the moaning woman in Cali who, according to Meng, sounded like she was giving birth. Out of point. SATC is fabulous. I already downloaded the first episode but it was good to watch it on my gigantic (comparatively la) TV set. And the second one was quite funny also. Although at this point it literally is all about sex. Everyone wants to be Carrie Bradshaw (ok some want to be Samantha). I just want my $400 (in 1998 terms) strappy Manolos. Gimme gimme gimme! I am very gay.
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