Mr Bad Media Karma

A cursory peek into my fucked-up life. Rants and raves, musings and madness - come get your piece of me.

Friday, June 30, 2006


Taboo last Saturday night was disappointing. The crowd was quite hot, the place was jammed pack, but the music was, to sum it up nicely, shit. The ONLY song I liked for the WHOLE night was this kooky remix of S.O.S

Meng began to get the night went on. As is to be expected when you're just waiting and waiting for a good song to dance to, and said good song is never spun. WR insisted that they'll play Madonna toward the end but we really didn't want to wait around. True enough, as if on cue, a few minutes after we had left Taboo (and Meng had hurriedly gotten into a taxi, which in retrospect was a terribly wise move when you consider that WR and myself had to call for taxis in the end), *that* flute sample kicked in. Nothing worse than hearing the wonderful bridge (I can't keep on waiting for youuu) while you're standing OUTSIDE the club.

Before that we chilled at MOX. I had a Cosmopolitan. So very SATC. Hanging with friends, casually talking about Bangkok sex shows, drinking Cosmos...Ok so Bangkok is a bit off but you get the idea. I have a theory that WR is actually somehow related to Jimmy Choo. I mean, they both have the same surname and they're both from Malaysia, isn't that a wee bit too coincidental?

All in all it would have been a good night if the music was better, and maybe if I'd managed to hook up with some guy *snorts* On while we were waiting in the queue (which was really ridiculous, you'd think that fucking Madonna was giving an exclusive performance or something), we saw WR's army friends! Haha. Yes including SK2 Greg. I've always been fascinated by Greg since Tim told me about him last year. I want his complexion damn it. Anyway Madonna wasn't inside Taboo but we did spot another celebrity, albeit one decidedly less famous. Patricia Mok! SHE STEPPED ON ME! PATRICIA MOK (the heel of her shoe actually) stepped on my foot! You know I'm taking the piss right? Moving on...

Was supposed to get my MacBook today but in true Born Loser fashion I show up at the Apple Store 5 minutes past closing time and am unglamourously denied entry (kinnda like Oprah and Hermes no?). What's funny is the thing was ready for collection since freaking MONDAY but I kept putting it off till now. And when I finally decide to collect it I can't.

The weekends here and hopefully this one turns out better than the previous one (which was actually pretty decent)

Cheerios =)


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