I realized I have a bunch of old photos from early '04 taken with that piece of shit BenQ camera I was always so embarrassed to use. The AC gang, following my 18th birthday dinner at Tony Romas (the second year of a tradition that lasted all of 3 years). The guest list kept changing from '03 to '04 to '05, indicative perhaps of the fluctuations in my various friendships, although there was always a core bunch (of Gerald, Tong and Cindy). Michael only ever made one appearance in '03 (I still remember Tong kicking me in the leg under the table when I was jacking Mike in front of everyone). Paul randomly appeared in '04. Jeff didn't last till '05. I suspect that Lena wasn't there in '05 either. Who WAS at my birthday in '05. I do remember having it though because I had my hair cropped short and Gerald, having enjoyed 3 months while we were suffering in BMT, was about to enlist which made us very happy. I think the group in '05 was super small. Just me, Tong, Gerald and Cindy. Not sure about Ee. I didn't celebrate in '06 and in '07 there was no Cindy, Lena made a comeback, Tong and Gerald were the stalwarts, and of course I had Meng and Weiren. Oh let's post a picture from there!

LOL I wonder WHO will be at my birthday next year. Should be very interesting indeed.
Moving along, the second picture was something I thought would never happen. Tong in my bed. Well...not in that sense la, but I've always liked the picture. Poor Tong in J2, still stuck in his ACS uniform.
And the last one remains my favorite picture of us. My 4.11 friends. If you had told me in Sec 4 that more than 5 years later, I'd still be friends with Gerald (indeed that I would even be his friend) I'd have told you to kindly fuck off. Gerald and I, to put it mildly, DID NOT GET ALONG in secondary school. The trading of insults, the backstabbing, the verbal brouhahas, the physical violence...Good times.

Here we have 03A21. Those that turned up for prom anyway. I'm not really in contact with any of them anymore, although I do see someone or other now and then, and I regret being so antisocial back in JC, although in all frankness I suspect I just didn't click with my classmates anyway, regardless of the fact that they were nice people. Omar and I were tight (mainly cause we were the AC dudes surviving in hell) but I haven't seen him in forever. We were, for a period of time, quite close to this rugger from Barker called Prabaa, who is urm...haha...Prabs is Prabs la.

And then in 2005 my life changed forever when I met Meng and Weiren. It was the first time I actually felt completely comfortable in a group, and the first time I had a clique that didn't abuse me, although some would argue that having to deal with Meng and Weiren and their whims and fancies (and fights) can constitute abuse sometimes. HAHA. I love you boys tho'. We are going to RULE the world in a decade.
Ok blogger is being a bitch (refusing to upload pictures) and I really do have a work schedule that I desperately need (and am miserably failing) to keep, so I'll leave it at that first. 2007 to come...
post so heartwarming! hahaha i love the picture of you three at del mar cos luke looks so happy and boyboy. anyway... AM I INVITED TO YOUR NEXT BIRTHDAY PARTY
haha you can fly back!
OMG MY EYEBAGS ARE SO BAD IN THE PIC... anyway. weiren is ow good frens wif..... surprise surprise... FUNKIHEY in melbourne. zomg. seriously.
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