Gimme Whore

Studied with Lisa today, which was surprisingly productive, because she was either (1) plugged in to her headphones (2) M.I.A. But we did manage to squeeze in time for a mini-photoshoot. What can I say, my eye bags seem to be growing at an exponential rate. I could think of some medical negligence tumor-related joke but that would not be in good taste.
Like I've ever been one for good taste...
Celebrated Sam's birthday at this restaurant just down the hill...Karma something something. We were supposed to be a group of 9 but Andrea was stuck in LAWR hell and none of the year 2s showed up =(
Will post pictures when I get them. Sam said I look like the model on the cover of Details, who happens to be a certain Jonathan Rhys Meyer, which made me simultaneously happy and more than ever certain that we are meant for each other as we are mutually deluded.
After dinner and desert we headed to the Wine Company for...more desert. ZX was there with Stuart, George Hwang and the Hor. Who said hello as he walked past us to use the toilet. Stuart said hello from the other side of the glass (we were seated outside) and ZX came out for a while.
As I was saying, Sam and I are like, made for each other. If we ever had a child, he would probably suffer from some excessive salt ailment, if there can ever be such a thing. Stones in the kidney perhaps? She put so much salt in her margarita it was like drinking frozen water from the Dead Sea.
Patrick and Jun Bin popped by for a short which time we wanted to head home to be mugger toads and finish the memo, or in my case, to write on my blog.
I am socially inept. I lack basic social skills and I can't control myself. I have no idea what I'm going to do.
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