Mr Bad Media Karma

A cursory peek into my fucked-up life. Rants and raves, musings and madness - come get your piece of me.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

X Minors

Instead of working the party scene (at the birthday of someone I hardly know), I decided to have no life, and after a short, useless traipse through Borders I went home for dinner, took a power nap (which is the only reason I'm still awake) and wrestled with 'Exercise of Statutory Powers'. Wrestling is the appropriate word. There definitely is a sense of satisfaction to having finished it.

So it's 2.45 in the morning and I have no idea if I should go to sleep or continue working (since I'm not feeling sleepy, which is a rare occurrence - at any time of the day - indeed). For the most part, I was dead as a log today at the Thinking Corner, although, as I proudly told Cheryl, I had good reason to be.

My self-destructive tendencies have not ceased with the passage of time.

EDIT: A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. I read the article on Chee Soon Juan's appeal being dismissed again and I now realize I misunderstood the point the judges were trying to make. Yes, I made a mistake. And I'm actually admitting it. Pigs are flying.


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