Mr Bad Media Karma

A cursory peek into my fucked-up life. Rants and raves, musings and madness - come get your piece of me.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Here's What We'll Do

I'm psyched. Which is strange considering that post-oral presentation today I had about as much life in me as Paddy Chew - i.e. not much.

I gave it my best shot. In days of yore (I'm thinking primary and secondary school here) when there were oral examinations for English and Mother Tongue (which I always dreaded), I would often kick myself after the examination for omitting to mention something or other. I'd torture myself for hours (sometimes days) for leaving something I felt was vitally important unsaid. Well, that didn't happen this time. I said what I had to say, I was passionate about it, I genuinely believed the words coming out of my mouth. Only hitch came when my tutor asked me for the page reference to a judgment I cited and I was unable to provide it. Although an 'I'll have to get back to you on that' sufficed. Doesn't reflect well on the quality of my research though. I just found the case, lifted the particular quote I wanted to use, and put it in without so much as printing it out. The dangers of the internet. As I said in an earlier post, I find the tedious monkey labor unbearable. Speaking of monkeys, Sun Wu Kong is damn irritating. Perhaps the second most irritating specimen after Bugis Village.

My brother is typing furiously on his keyboard as we speak. No, he's not writing an essay on psychology...I sneaked a peek at his screen. He's playing some online game. It's amazing how entertaining a program like that can be to someone who's turning 30 next year. But I digress...

Oh yes, I honestly thought I put in a valiant effort, which was why I was somewhat disappointed when my tutor told me that I was speaking a little too quickly (understandable as I'm used to speaking fast) and that some parts of my presentation could have been clearer (that was the real killer). But we'll see what happens. I would by lying through my teeth if I said I wasn't concerned about doing well for LAWR, especially since I've already done the legwork for a considerable percentage of the module.

Anyway, Jin and I (henceforth known as we) headed down to Vivocity after we were done at school to meet a bunch of law people. Caleb, Haogen, Sharon, Janine, Shu Yi, Paul, and of course, Miss Cheryl Chua. Who I love.

Walked around aimlessly - actually we had an aim but it might as well have been aimless - which is the problem when you're in a big group with no direction and nothing planned. Jin was dying to go to Page One and smell magazines but we didn't really have a lot of time and he could only indulge in this particular fetish for all of 5-ish minutes before we had to rush off to get Cheryl to Ubi in time for her driving lesson.

Finding the car. Fucking hell. We have this very bad habit of not remembering where the car is parked. That happened the last time at...for the life of me I can't remember where...and it happened again today. At Vivo-fucking-city no less. Huge car park. No idea where car is. We must have spent close to 15 minutes hunting for it. A black Hyundai near a yellow car. Great help that was.

When we finally did hit the AYE, it was jammed all the way across the Benjamin Sheares to Parkway Parade. There was no accident. Just very heavy traffic. I really do wonder how these buildups happen. If everyone is driving at normal speeds, WHY is there slow traffic?

After what seemed like an eternity, dropped Cheryl off at Ubi and went to pick Jin's mum up from Marine Parade. Original plan was to go to the gym and study in town but lately, there's not been much time for fitness. It would also be...extraneous...for Jin to drive all the way to the East, back to town, and back home again. So we settled down at Marine Parade library, which is a very nice, sleep-inducing place, if only they didn't close at 9.

Waited for 48 and Jin was nice enough to stay till it came (I had just missed it). I'd die without him in law school.

Oh yeah, for the sake of posterity, I shall quote (very crudely):
'I just wanted to give him a boost... ... ...Oh wait I have, a boost of ***'

Hi-fucking-larious. Best joke I've heard in a long time. Jin you should be very worried that I find your joke highly amusing and funny.

As expected, I almost immediately fell asleep and by the time I woke up, it was outside none other than the BTC entrance...all that distance in about 20-ish minutes. 48's the best.

That's about it really.

And that's what I hope to do.


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