80s mania!
Check out this exclusive picture from Jessica's new video!

Eva looks gorgeous and I love the outfit she's wearing. So very 80s. I wouldn't exactly want to live in the 80s (I want my high tech gizmos, thank you very much), but some elements are undeniably appealing. The outfits, the MUSIC, the whole feeling really. Like, the atmosphere portrayed in Donna Summer's She Works Hard For The Money and Tina's What's Love Got To Do With It videos. Or you could just watch Glitter.
And of course, the star of the video herself, Jessica! She looks so...TRASHY! My goodness. That outfit is more trashy than all of Paris Hilton's videos combined (and that would include her sex video, her Carl's Junior ad AND her Stars Are Blind MTV). But Jessica looks strange though. She's inherently got some...facial issues. Cue comment about how she should get the number of her sister's miracle-working plastic surgeon. But nevertheless this video should be great fun. So very gay! Whee!
Today at work one of the warrant officers was complaining that they had put him down for duty on 10th July. And I was like...uh-huh, what's so special about 10 July? "The World Cup finals la!"
Oh. *YAWN*
Only straight guys can find soccer interesting as a sport. It's by far the most overrated sport in the history of mankind. Just terribly pointless and induces mental torpidity.
OK. The programs on TV tonight are, in a word, SHIT. Maybe I should have gone to the gym. Fear Factor, ABC DJ and Life Stories. Someone just kill me now and spread my remains over the beach that Paris Hilton is going to be shooting her next video at. It's...critical
And I'm sorry but JUST HOW DOES BRAD PITT MAKE A LIST OF 15 GREAT AMERICANS WHO DEVOTE THEMSELVES TO HELPPING OTHERS? I mean, even now, I would so marry Brad Pitt in the blink of an eye and have incessant hot sex with him. But...does marrying a celebrity humanitarian (I'm not THAT cynical, I do think Angelina means it) and attaching your name to her two adopted children (and having your own baby with her of course) qualify you to make the list? What about OPRAH? Surely she's done tons more than Brad by way of helpping others. Oh but Brad Pitt brought Namibia and AFRICA into the public conciousness! That's what the article implied anyway. Bullshit. What utter bullshit. To believe THAT you'd have to be naive enough to suppose that Liberace was anything but a flaming queeny homosexual who loved taking it up the butt.
Haha. That's about it for today. My new MacBook is ready, just waiting for me to pick him up from the Apple Store. YAY!
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