Oops!...I Did It Again

Britney Britney Britney! *Laughs* What can I say. Just when you think she's ready to tone down her image and lower her profile, she hits us like vintage Star Jones running into you at a 100 kilometres an hour.

I'm not exactly a fan of the female body in general, so let's not even go into that sordid subject of a female body in danger of being fully exposed. Not my thing. At all. And I don't exactly appreciate the urm, pregnant female body either. But I do give Miss Spears props for having the guts to go ahead with this shoot, as long as she doesn't worm out in the future when asked about it, a la Esquire in '03.

These are much more pleasing to the eye. Black is certainly on good terms with her hair. It gives her this air of...mystery. Slightly exotic. Of course all she has to do is open her mouth to spoil that image.

Sean Preston is just the most adorable baby ever! Hard to believe he has FEDERLINE genes in him. Hopefully they don't screw him over when he grows up.
Sigh. I love Britney. Still. No matter what she does, no matter how many shitty half-arsed, flop-before-even-being-released compilation albums her record company puts out (that would be 2), no matter how awful some of her recent leaked music has been. At the end of the day, she's got so much potential and the time will come when - if she's really working to get back into the game and has some of that early drive and ambition back - when she will make Mariah's Emancipation look like nothing.
Until then, I'll just have to satisfy myself with Jessica and Ashlee Simpson. Haha.
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