Shut Up And Sing Or Your Life Will Be Over

I wanna visit Taipei. After watching Eternal Summer - a languorous, tangible movie - with Meng and Michael on Wednesday, I just have to visit Taipei. And today on 6 degrees Asha Gill was was there! There are TOO MANY places I wish to visit, and not enough money to do so. As much as I love America and Europe, and yearn to visit the (conventional) exotic locales of Turkey, Egypt and South Africa, there's something exciting about Asian destinations too. I've always neglected them, viewed them as secondary destinations, probably because they're in my backyard and I'm one of those masochistic people who enjoys long flights, and also because there's a certain glamour to riding a gondola down the Grand Canal, or shopping along the Rue Saint-Honore. But you know what...Asian destinations are the ones that are accessible and relatively cheap, from my point of view (bar Japan of course). So maybe I should focus on travelling around this continent instead. Taipei, Hong Kong (been there once before but would love to visit agian), Bali, the Maldives, Japan, Cambodia, Vietnam...Who knows.
Anyway, brought the boys to watch The Swimming Instructor last night. was ok la. Said in ah beng (or should that be ah Guan) style. I mean, let's be honest. Lim Wee Hong has a GREAT body (arguably the best I've ever seen in real life) and can bark out a coarse line or two...and that's about it. Isabel was suitably petulant and somewhat of a minx but the whole "Oh my family is crumbling around me" side didn't really cick with me. The other guy (whatshisname) was ok. Good elocution. Headed to MOX and Play and Tabs after that but I was just feeling out of it and the music at Taboo was crazily loud. By the end of the night I was just sitting down and covering my ears (which were ringing when I got home, which sucks).
What else...Oh yeah watched Priceless with Wei Ren on Thursday. Charming movie. Look out for my review that will be up on Trevvy.
Yvonne Lee. I thought that our dear Prof. Thio was the only homophobe in NUS Law but it looks like I was mistaken. Apparently law school in Singapore is more a conservative bulwark than an island of liberty. Oh I just can't wait to start school now. But seriously, at least Thio has so far avoided making a fool out of herself (maybe she has but not recently anyway) the way Yvonne has. Wishy-washy logic and legal mumbo jumbo masquerading as an academic piece. Bull-fucking-shit. She's made herself look like a fool and by extension made NUS Law look idiotic too and that's the reason I'm pissed off really. Because I'm going to study there. Her argument is so transparent you practically see right through her. "I am a Christian fundementalist. I wish to spread the views of my religion (or rather how I CHOOSE to interpret my religion because there is no set doctrine) to the gullible masses. Homosexuality is wrong and I must be a good Christian soldier and fight against it." I mean, go ahead and make a fool of yourself but advertising your legal credentials there is just not fair to everyone else who has an interest in maintaining some sort of reputation for the law school (and since I'm going to be getting my degree from there it does matter to me). What's really funny was that Jireh sent her a long e-mail, very well-argued, respectful and polite, and she gave him a one line reply - "We have different opinions". Well NO SHIT Miss Lee. Now how about BEHAVING like the ASSISSTANT professor you are SUPPOSED to be and actually trying to provide a competent reply? If she is any indication of the quality of the faculty of the much vaunted NUS Law School, then I am royally SCREWED.
There my rant's over for today. Miserable sod.
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