Ended up browsing Friendster, looking at pictures of old friends and aquaintances from secondary school (especially lower). And I felt so...removed...from everyone. The only classmate from lower sec that I still keep in touch with is Michael, everyone else is just a faded memory. Siow, Henry, Kang Wei, Kevin, Chris...I guess I just didn't belong to that group in the end. They went on to .12 (and Henry went off to Oz), they were all band members and they were all from MEP...and most ended up going to ACJC. Oh and...they are at the end of the day your typical soccer loving straight guys who I really am unable to relate to. Which is fine with me really. My upper secondary group was small but we're still in touch, although we have precious few pictures and come to think of it, I have no pictures of myself with my lower secondary classmates, which is rather sad.
Then of course came JC, where I estranged myself from the rest of the class when I stuck by Omar. Do have a smattering of pictures from that era. This one's a favourite.

Also, look at this horrid picture of Praba and Omar and myself.

In fact I've come a longlong way from THAT in general. The closeted, repressed, uptight individual who just wanted to serve his 2 year sentence in SAJC and get the hell out of there, and was content to just do well enough to move on to the next level. That Simon is gone and I don't miss him one bit.
This is all Lena's fault really. She left me this nostalgic testimonial on Friendster which got ME nostalgic which led me to start looking at all the profiles of people I haven't spoken to in years.
So yeah if I may seem a little...over-zealous with the whole picture taking thing (and I don't think I am really), do indulge me a little ok? A picture freezes that moment in time and it's yours forever...or until your hardisk crashes. Which won't happen to me of course because I HAVE A MAC! MUAHAHA
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