So that was our stab at Halloween this year. Doesn't quite beat the mascara drenched Meng and Wei Ren circa Halloween 2005 tho'. At least we tried. We could have done much better actually. They were selling various Halloween-esque trinkets at Isetan that included fairy wings (how very appropriate), scary masks, pointy witch hats and chinese pigtails(Ty Ty baby!), among other things. My favourite was a viking helmet with hair attached. It was blonde and came down on both sides in pigtails, reminding me of what Olga the lesbian gymnast from the former USSR would look like if she kept long hair and had a bad dye job. Pity we don't have pictures of those. I must say that there were several interesting costumes on parade last night. They ranged from the predictable(schoolboy uniforms, which I had suggested we wear earlier, d'oh!), to the unique(the $200-winning headgear featuring a flotilla of red flowers), to the regal(an aristocrat's outfit a la Madonna's dancers in Vogue at the 1990 VMAs), to the scary(face caked completely in white powder, straw-like hair), to the downright scary(bunch of sailors who looked like they'd been hit by the ugly stick one time too many). It was utterly fascinating and I give props to all those who bothered to dress up for this occasion that isn't inherent to Singapore and Singaporeans in general. I do wonder whether Bryanboy can top that French maid outfit he rocked last year...
I decided to flaunt my flamboyance and wear that...that...thing I had bought from Zara which I had meant to wear in Phuket and only in Phuket. Common sense prevailed and I wore this oversized Abercrombie shirt to conceal my extreme faggotry from the mother and hapless MRT commuters. Evidently it was a wise decision, because Zhu Wei Ren may have disowned me there and then at the station if I had been attired so skimpily at the start of the night.

Here you can see the blue outline of my singlet which was threatening to do a peek-a-boo. As the night wore on and the temperature in the club rose (both figuratively and literally), the shirt did come off to reveal the 'I've never worn so little', coupled with several more Janet-esque nipplegate moments that were fun and funny at the time but slightly cringe-worthy now.
Speaking of dressing, Miss Lena Chee was very well put together. Ok that makes her sound like some snap together figurine but Meng really did a good job with her. From the billowing hair to the dangling earrings, the frivolous ribbon around her waist to the frivolous ribbons around her ankles, the glossy lips to the sleek black outfit, the white purse to THOSE WEDGES, Miss Thang was ROCKIN' it last night. So here they are, Singapore's Givenchy and Hepburn, Galliano and Theron - Meng and his muse Lena.

Apart from dabbling in fashion, our samazozi is also an aspiring photographer.

Wei Ren looks...stunned. No, disturbed.
Music-wise, the evening started off very promisingly with lots of Madonna. Jump, Future Lovers, Get Together. Unfortunately, it soon descended into the vocal-less crap that hides behind the term deep-house. I realise that DJs don't really like to play commercial pop music. Perhaps they find it a dent to their "credibility". And that's their prerogative I suppose. Me? I'd be happy dancing to Madonna, Cher, Janet, Jennifer and gang. But then again I have no credibility whatsoever. Figures huh. The fate of my night was sealed when I got burned by this drunk whore brandishing a ciggarette. She was so bloody drunk she didn't even realise she had burnt me and looked at me as if I had given her a yeast infection or something. I wanted to slap her very badly. The dance floor was packed to the brim as usual and we found respite upstairs, dancing amongst ourselves as if we owned the place, dancing in front of the mirrors, pruning and preening and striking our best poses. For my first ever Halloween celebration, it wasn't half bad.

I can make it alone...I can make it alone...I can make it alone (my sistas and me, my sistas and me...)
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