I don't really have anything to say but I feel like posting SOMETHING so...

Anyway, I'm quite excited because...I'm pulling an all-nighter! Since I have to submit my LAWR research by Saturday, and because I volunteered to compile my group's work (out of a misplaced sense of guilt of not contributing enough these past few days due to my laziness/time being eaten up by interviews), and considering that I have a torts tutorial tomorrow that I have NOT prepared for, and bearing in mind that I have been watching TV/surfing the net for the past 3 hours instead of working...well...I'm going to make up for all of that by not sleeping until I have completed ny work on misrepresentation and done my tutorial. Which probably means I'll be going to sleep around 3?
Tomorrow should be fun though. After tutorial and 13 more interviews, will be heading to Andrea's pad to chill out, drink, wii and generally momentarily enjoy life before it's back to the pressure pot that is law school sem 1 post mid-term break...ARGH!!!
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for simon... it goes to the lips not the hips. hehe xxxxxxx
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