Mr Bad Media Karma

A cursory peek into my fucked-up life. Rants and raves, musings and madness - come get your piece of me.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

"Why are you dressed like a hobbit?"

Question that ZX posed when he saw me along the first floor corridor of Block B in the evening...apparently I looked 'pastoral'. In the agricultural, not ecclesiastical sense of course. I was fairly amused at the number of people who came up and asked why I was dressed so formally, or why I was wearing a shirt, because God forbid anyone comes to school wearing a shirt. If I sound bitter/bitchy, I don't mean to. I'm just wondering what the big deal is. It's as though people don't have anything substantial to say to me and are just bringing it up for the sake of. But then again, with my somewhat unfriendly disposition, I'm not surprised. And this inquisitiveness may also be attributable to the fact that I'm usually in a t-shirt and jeans/berms. Which is what I will be reverting to tomorrow. Still, it was fun to dress up a little and I must admit that I savored the relatively numerous compliments I received throughout the day.

Jin: "You look good today"
Me: "Oh I just randomly put together nonsense this morning" [when in actual fact I have been planning this particular outfit since Sunday]

It's fun to dress up. From time to time. Especially when one thinks of new ways to put old stuff together, and *bam* you have a new outfit at no extra cost. Of course, a white shirt/brown checkered shorts and furry belt combination can only ever be worn once (or maybe twice, if I add a skinny tie, although that may border on excessive), and I failed to achieve the complete look because I don't have loafers and so had to pair it with my rather unfortunate pair of chipped, smelly brown slippers.

I am so dead. I have a contract tutorial tomorrow that I am (or rather was, because I'm writing this out now) half-heartedly preparing for...very half-ass...quarter-ass really. I need to complete my FOCC MC report by Friday...which means I have to meet Nicholas by Thursday latest, which is also the day I'm supposed to have completed my initial LAWR research...which I haven't started. And I'll probably spend tomorrow going through Adrian's clothes for LawMAD. I need 48 hours in a day really...the thing about law school is that we have very few compulsory assignments - you can jolly well not prepare for - or even attend - lectures (and that is basically what 50% of us are doing for SLS in the Beckman era), you can smoke your way through tutorials (or just remain very quiet and plead ignorance when you are called on) and there have only been 2 graded assignments and 1 torts test. So the slacking opportunities are bountiful. But do so at your own peril because once you fall behind, catching up for exams is going to be a muthafucka.

And I'm actually toying with the idea of taking on another CCA. What is wrong with me.

I should probably stop writing now so I can sleep early and wake up at 6 fucking AM tomorrow to complete my tutorial.



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