I'm so terribly sensitive and irrational sometimes. I can't keep behaving like this. But how do I repress something that is very much part of my character? Tong may say that character can be moulded but that is one instance where I disagree with him. Ah, the great Nature vs. Nurture debate. Yes nurture plays a part but once your surroundings have conditioned your character it's not easy to recaliberate to something else. Does that make sense? It BECOMES part of your nature, although it may have been brought about by an outside stimulus. Anyway...I'm really sorry for what happened just now. Haha it's not like you're gonna read this or anything. I guess part of me is hoping you are. I'm sorry.

I'm SO JEALOUS! Right now, 10 Oct 05 at 1853 hrs, I PLEDGE that before the end of the noughties, I shall be the one fondling that most blessed, most precious, most revered star. Hollywood, Hollywood, how can it hurt you when it looks so good? It can't silly...
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