Mr Bad Media Karma

A cursory peek into my fucked-up life. Rants and raves, musings and madness - come get your piece of me.

Friday, October 07, 2005

A Cliche Rings True

One lie needs ten more to cover. That's all I'm gonna say. =p

Ya know, I'm pleasantly surprised with Bush's choices of Supreme Court Justices. I've always believed in seperation of church from state. Just as much as the damn religious right views the liberal judicial activism of the Warren court with disdain, I feel strongly against a court filled with fawning right wing judges intent on fulfilling the ridiculous agenda of some of these so called "religious conservatives", and with no respect for judicial precedent. So, while final judgement (no pun intended) on John Roberts and perhaps Harriet Miers will be reserved for when they actually do make rulings, I applaud George Bush for his sensible nominations. The Rehnquist and O' Connor seats are certainly of great significance, with the future of the American judiciary and indeed American society very much dependent on who Bush chose to fill them with. Kudos to Bush (how often have I said that?) for not completely bowing to the religious right. The last thing America needs is yet another Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas.

Seriously though, regardless of how much America seems to be turning into a theocracy, I still dream of living there in the future. Not on a permanent basis (no matter what, I'm kind of rooted to this damn island), but I would love to spend a few months a year living in the States. New York City definitely. I'd also love to live in Boston, Chicago, Seattle, San Francisco and Honolulu. LA's great for what it is, but I suspect I would hate the pollution and size of the place. LV's too tacky. I've never been much of a Miami fan. Texas is too...Southern. Oh who am I kidding I'd live ANYWHERE in the United States. From fucking New Hampshire to Iowa...ok maybe not Iowa. I'll always have a soft spot for Louisiana (for OBVIOUS reasons), altho' I doubt I would enjoy living there.

I'm not ashamed to say that the 12 days I spent in New York City in 2000 were some of the best and most memorable days of my life. Whether it be the pulsating throb of Times Square at night, strolling through Central Park in the afternoon, the peaceful serenity of the Upper West Side, the frantic pace of 34th Street, the fascinating architecture of SoHo, the grittiness of Harlem, the imposing Rockefeller Center, or simply the many many iconic buildings (eat your heart out Singapore), from the Empire State to the Statue Of Liberty to the Chrysler and even the WOOLWORTH Building (we'll never forget THAT one), and of course the much missed WTC, or the FABULOUS shopping, Broadway plays, the subway system which every terrorist seems to have their eyes on, I could just go on and on and on seriously. I love New York City. Ooh let's not forget the Brooklyn Bridge (yes I did leave Manhattan...across the bridge to Brooklyn, when we took the subway in the WRONG direction, and of course to JFK International in Queens), that AIRCRAFT CARRIER on the Hudson, the MUSEUMS...Metropolitan, Guggenheim, Frick Collection, MoMA, Natural History. OH MY GAW. I HAVE HAVE HAVE to return to New Yawk soon. It's one of those places you can visit again and again. Of course I wanna see the other cities in the States too, but right GOD the LURE of Manhattan is just so strong!


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