Mr Bad Media Karma

A cursory peek into my fucked-up life. Rants and raves, musings and madness - come get your piece of me.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Chill Pill

Ok I realise I need to take a chill pill. Been far too stressed up over nothing for my own good. Work isn't THAT bad (just think of Tong in Brunei, or Fabien having to go back to Changi every alternate day, or Michael being made to clean weapons in the wee hours of the morning). I could be doing a lot worse right? Running is good for me anyway. As for life outside camp, well I just returned from Orchard with Tong and Lena. Had dinner with her and then the three of us (yes Tong was late as usual) watched Dark Water. The only thing about it that strikes me now are the scenes of New York. What's interesting is that they weren't the "normal" NY scenes, downtown, midtown, central park, Times Square whatever. I saw the Brooklyn Bridge ONCE, and most of the movie was focused on Roosevelt Island (and the intriguing tram), with a bit of the Upper East Side thrown in. I have this MORBID fascination with Roosevelt Island now. It's not Manhattan, but it's not Queens or Brooklyn either. So what is it? Neither here nor there. Of course after watching the movie I wouldn't wanna live there.

I'm like such a pussy when it comes to scary shows. The most scary parts don't really affect me because I'm usually covering my ears(the scare factor is ALL in the sound effects really) and sunk deep into my seat. If this mechanism fails and I AM scared, I either jerk or let out a sound (which scares the people around me). Tong always warns me never to grab his arm (based on past experiences la hahaha). What makes today worse was that I was in Green. The SAF would be so proud of me really. As Tong would say "can you behave more like a 19 year old soldier and not like some damn cowardly pussy". Well I CAN'T help it can I?

Lalala. Today was quite a good day. Quote of da day "will you be my mummy forever?"


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