Being In Law School
What's up with the title you ask? Sometimes the most mundane routines, the ones you tend to overlook, the ones you profess to hate, can yield great memories if you'd only stop and reflect.
And I would like to reflect on my day.
1) Lunch with Andrea, Leon and Robo - asking people whether they define themselves according to their nationality or race, Leon's 'Majority Non-Issue' theory, Andrea's 'our children are our parent's children' theory (which I DO agree with FYI!) and Robo's expounding on Buddhism... Talking to ZX while he waits for food - OH THE FOOD DEAR GOD DON'T GET ME STARTED ON THE FOOD!!!
2) Going for useless lecture and falling asleep - nothing new.
3) Waiting with Jin for the shuttle bus to KR at the bus stop. And waiting. And waiting. And then he decides to drive so I follow him to the "secret carpark" where he already has gotten a warning and he drops me off outside the Summit. Unusually short time together but nevertheless always worth it.
4) Back to classroom trying to type out my part of long letter.
5) Dinner with Andrea and Leon, fabulously riotous as usual. We feed Tom the cat (I DON'T CARE HE'S MALE!)... and try to kill a fly with a food tray.
6) Study room. Type type type.
7) Steal some time to sit with Sam and Cheryl (and Sam Wee who joined us for a while) and munch cookies. Comfort simply in their presence.
8) Con Sam into following me to the vending machine hahaha.
9) Study Room, trying to type, looking at questionable photos on Facebook, laughing and talking a little too loudly, people MUST be annoyed by us.
And all this in the context of general... suffering, trying to complete our assignment due on Tue at 10am, which was preceded by 3000 word essay last Monday and 3500 word essay last Friday.
Sam's right - even though everyone is suffering, its kindda... nice(?) - ok maybe another word FILL IN THE GAPS IN MY VOCAB WON'T YA?
Hmm... and people might read this and think 'huh that's it?', or 'what a sad life' but... somehow if you've been through what I have today, you'd feel... overwhelmed yes, frustrated yes, like a little bit of a loser HELL YES, but... some part of you also feels content. And happy. That you had these riveting conversations. That you laughed like a hyena throughout the day. That you have this amazing support system, in the midst of all the shit, these people who surround you and make you feel accepted and warm and cared for. Thanks guys for helping me get through the long testing days by being so generous with your companionship and laughter and concern. I don't feel this everyday la, but tonight, for some reason, I feel particularly blessed.
aiyo simon. LOVE YOU. i'm linking yr blog BTW. cheers
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