Wow. I came home to find this envelope on my table from 'Brooks Automation, Pte Ltd', and in my dazed state I was thinking, what the hell, am I like a member in this company receiving notice for an EGM or something...
And I then I open it thinking 'oh maybe there's anthrax inside someone's trying to kill me', and I prepare for the worst when I peep in and see a... CD. Yes, one of those shiny rounds things with a hole in the middle which no one uses - or indeed buys - anymore.
Lo and behold, I remembered what it is! My dad extracted all the files I had on Julius (my first I-pod who sadly died at the beginning of the year), put all the content on a CD, passed it to his friend to bring back to Singapore and that's why I got the letter from that strange company. I didn't even ask my dad to do anything actually - I couldn't remember WHAT I had stored on Julius (which is a good reason for leaving it to die and not having him extract it) - but he did anyway.
So I looked through the files, hoping that somehow, my 1000 plus songs would be in there, to no avail. Year one notes and muggers. Blah. I should add at this point that my laptop's hard disk (an Apple too for the record) ALSO died on me at the beginning of the year and I had to start over which was very painful.
But then I see it. 'My Pictures'. And I think to myself, IF U SEEK AMY (say it out loud, it's also a song from Circus out 2 Dec)! The most painful thing about having my hard disk die on me, apart from losing my LAWR memo THE NIGHT IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE SUBMITTED and having to spend the rest of my Sunday after JBJ - or was that other once-a-year play? - writing the thing out again from sheer memory and desperation (ok very long run on sentence but I don't have time to fuss with grammar), was losing all those pictures. Everything I had painstakingly built up over the years, my archive of pictures (oddly enough I don't care as much anymore), GONE.
I open the folder and... every fucking thing was there! I had no idea I even backed it up on Julius! I'm so happy right now really. Everything systematically arranged, in their respective folders, a rush from the past. And all my holiday photos! (aside from Tokyo but that's on FB anyway).
In honor of this... most unexpected and heartwarming occurrence, I shall proceed to dig into the archives

Law School - ish

And of course, HOLIDAYS!

Haha ok I've posted enough la. Hopefully this makes up for all those shitty posts of the past few months and well, the shitty posts ahead (considering that exams are like in a week's time). Ciao!
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