Not Dead, Barely Alive
I would like to apologise for all the whiny posts below. I realise that I'm not the only one who's busy and has to balance the many facets of undergraduate life... The past month's had some good moments, and I present you all with some of them...

I especially love these two

At the airport to see off Weiren... one of the casualties of my tight schedule... he was back for nearly 3 months and I must have met him like, under 10 times

Next up, last Friday's screening at Sinema Old School

Fucking 15 dollar Turkish desert which I had with Tong and Gerald (we each had one la) at Suntec on Sat. Some wheat/cheese in creamy gravy with tea thing. Quite nice.

Finally, on Sunday, some orchestra thinggy at the Botanics. Wasn't really in the mood (and had all life sucked out of me by personality vacuum) but it was lovely to see so many families gathered and enjoying their Sunday on the gentle verdant slope.

And that's it for now. My life is in somewhat of a mess, not just in terms of pressure from school... more like in general. But I'm going to sort all of it out once Sem 2 is over and I have space to reflect. Life is just whizzing by and at this point, all I can do is live day-to-day, quite literally.
I've not been a good friend, for a variety of reasons. And I should try to do something about it. 1) Keep in touch with people. 2) Not let personal emotions get in way of sharing in the happiness of others.
Ah I can hear it now,
'Don't explain yourself cause talk is cheap, there's more important things than hearing you speak...'
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