
It's so typical of Britney to make waves of her own during some other big, newsworthy event, and giving that event a run for it's money. When she got married in Sep 2004, it was on Emmy night. No surprise then that her divorce was announced on the day of the US mid-term elections. Talk about information overload for me. Anyway, the Democrats have captured the House and look set to seize the Senate by a whisker. I suppose that is a good thing. Despite my alarming (and shameful) right-wing tendencies when it comes to matters like government size, taxes, social equality, the environment, trade and foreign policy, I do consider myself a Democrat at heart. A pretty fucked up Democrat but still a liberal. I think. My only worry is if Congress is under total Democratic hegemony, voters might be more inclined to vote for a Republican President in 2008, and I would much rather see Hilary Clinton as the President than have the Democrats control Congress for the next two years. But hey, can't complain about the election results, although I do have to concur with the view that this election was lost by the Republicans, not won by the Democrats.
On to more personal matters, last Friday was certainly an event for me. My JC classmate's 21st birthday party. I'm going to cut a long story short and just say that I used to be a bastard in JC and two of the victims of my aggression were at the party that night. Thanks to a bottle of vodka and a bottle of cranberry juice, I was able to address the past without giving a damn and apologise to them. Ever heard of the term, 'in vino veritas'? It translates to 'truth in wine', and basically describes me when I'm really high/drunk. I tell the truth. Which is dangerous in a way but is also the perfect opportunity for you to get me to say what really is on my mind. Simply because when I'm higher than heaven, I really do not give a fuck as to how others perceive me. And on some level, I like telling the truth. Which is perhaps the reason why I announced that I was gay to everyone at the table(I'm sure they already heard rumours so it was time for the admission to come from the horse's mouth). I never had a real problem with any of the girls anyway. It was more about standing by Omar, and being AC brothers, and all that bullshit that I had adopted in JC because I was terrified of being out of my comfort zone and oh so insecure. I don't regret anything I said that night. I may not be best buddies with anyone, but at least I know I can see them in the future and say hello and ask how they are getting along and know that I really mean it. It was 2 years overdue.
Wei Wei had the most delectable cake from Haagen-Dazs, chocolate ice cream cake topped with lots of frozen strawberries! If only the ice cream was strawberry too!

by shimmeringicefrost

by shimmeringicefrost

by shimmeringicefrost
Some of the A21 guys. As you can see from the pictures, I had a little too much to drink. And at that point I had barely started! It was good to see Prabs again after such a long time. We used to be quite tight in JC. I wonder what he made of my little announcement. If I ever see him on some lonely street, I'd run for my life! =D

by shimmeringicefrost
Class picture, all...9 out of 19 of us. I'm really glad I had this opportunity to see everyone and bury hatchets. Even though the hangover was so bad the next day all I could do was lie down in bed and swear never to drink excessively again. If any of you are reading this(and I'm writing this with the knowledge that you probably are not, and will never), I meant what I said that night and next time you see me at Cineleisure come up and say hello instead of walking on by.
I'm THRILLED that Britney is single again. AND in contact with Larry Rudolph, her old manager and mentor. Talk about efficient damage control. They cleaned up the mess of the past 2 years in 24 hours!
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