Kate Is The New Black
So Kate Moss is on the cover of The Independent, all in the name of fighting AIDS in Africa.

It's certainly controversial. I can think of several potential objections. Firstly, why does the person on the cover have to be black? Doesn't that perpetuate a negative sterotype that AIDS is an African disease? Well...urm...this IS about fighting AIDS in Africa you know. So what, are we supposed to have a CHINESE on the cover? Wake up and smell the coffee honey, Africans ARE more likely to suffer from HIV than other racial groups. You can't expect to appeal for funds to fight the dire situation in Africa while hiding behind some politically correct notion that we shouldn't associate AIDS with Africa. Why pay Africa special attention then?
Secondly, why couldn't they use a black model? Why paint Kate Moss black? That's actually a question I'm asking myself. Probably because it's a good way to generate controversy and sell those papers. Like it or not, the general public thrives on the controversial. People are more likely to buy the issue with Kate painted black on the cover than if they got say, Naomi Campbell or Iman to model. They could also have asked Tyra, but Ms Banks would probably shy away from doing a shot like that because it doesn't suit her frivilous, bubbly personality.
Thirdly, WHY KATE MOSS? Why use someone who was caught smoking coacaine on the cover of an issue about fighting AIDS? Well, why not? Kate Moss is uber hot right now, having her on the cover is likely to increase sales, and since half of the revenues are going to fight AIDS, shouldn't the main concern be selling as many copies as possible?
People need to see the big picture and not quibble over minute details. Bother someone else with your...questions.
On a side note, take a look at my future car.

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