Time's the Problem
I simply don't have enough time to do everything I strive to. It's been a whirl since I landed on Sunday, rushing to stock up on basic necessities I took for granted back home, trying to figure out the online subject registration system and choosing my courses, fighting jet lag, meeting new people and friends of friends, and trying to stay in touch with people back home. Classes start on Monday and I have assigned readings that I'm not going to have the time to get through because I'm leaving for Philly tomorrow, and am spending Saturday night there and Sunday with Britney at the Circus! Haha can't wait. But yes, time is not on my side and so I'll just record down a few observations for posterity.
1. I LOVE the box stores! Against my better and more sophisticated judgment, I can't help but be amazed by the giant chains that have invaded my neighborhood and have made it resemble, as far as is possible (without urm, replacing some of the inhabitants - there was a crazy man with a pet cat today, wtf!), a soulless suburb. Even now, I wander around in slight disbelief that I really am here.
2. It's a lot harder to socialize and establish relationships than I thought it would be. And I'm not in a terribly friendly mood really. All so tiring. But I have met some interesting people (mostly from Asian countries - yes yes, disappointing I know) with stories to tell, I wonder if mine measure up?
3. I've spent most of my time so far retracing areas I've already been to back in December, but a certain thrill comes over me when I see the CVS near the Westin, or walk along the perimeter of the White House, or sit in the very same spot where I checked my exam results on that cold winder night - or urm, less pleasant memories when I walked past Lamda Rising.
4. We inadvertently set off the security alarm twice 2 nights ago and lo and behold, the police showed up 15 minutes later. Good to know they're doing their jobs, god knows DC needs as many of them to do so as possible.
5. The area around the Law Center is pretty sketch. Last night Keith saw someone getting arrested, there are always police cars and sirens at night, and today I saw a man drinking from a bottle and then dancing on the street, and an individual of undeterminable gender (always so unfortunate) singing along to the music his/her headphones were plugged into. Sounded like something they'd show on the first few episodes of American Idol - aka a disaster.
6. Attended a moot court last night that turned out to be way more interesting than I thought it would be. Its going to be argued before the Supreme Court in the upcoming term, and the lawyer who is representing the appellant government is a law professor who is also the director of the appellate litigation clinic at Gtown Law. How cool is that? You had 3 professors as judges and another as counsel for the respondent Stevens, and the latter has argued several dozen cases before the Supreme Court. It was an amazing performance. Basically, the respondent is alleging that a statute enacted by the federal government is invalid as it infringes on his protection to free speech as provided for in the First Amendment. Can't wait to see the actual argument in court!
7. Cooked my first meal today. It was breakfast but turned out to be lunch because I woke up late. Scrambled eggs. People usually enjoy what they cook because, well, they've cooked it, but I can tell you that it was pretty bad. It just tasted off, even though I was liberal with the salt and pepper. And the remnants of egg stuck onto the surface of the pan and I had to spend a good 5 - 10 minutes just scrubbing everything off. I cannot cook to save my life.
8. Went out for drinks yesterday (my first!) and woo hoo hoo alcohol is relatively cheap! Like, 5 bucks for a cocktail. 6 after tip but yeah, still quite reasonable. The venues were actually rather crowded considering it was a Thursday night.
9. Oh yes the law gym is something else. Not as huge as California Fitness, but several times the size of the one at BTC and with almost all the machines available at any mega gym. TV on the treadmills and all that. And classes! And an indoor swimming pool. How sweet is that?
All in all, I've had a great time so far, although I dread the start of school and all the reading and work (urgh work) that's going to come with it. Other thing would be the socializing. I haven't exactly been a very social animal. I almost can't be arsed and that scares me. As insecure as ever.
DC can be rough, but it seems like my initial assessment after visiting in Dec was misguided. There does seem to be lots to do here, and even if that proves to be untrue, there's certainly plenty of traveling to be done. Talk to you guys in Philadelphia =D
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