
I was born a number of years after Michael Jackson's glory days. Indeed, by the time I became cognizant of music and pop culture, the stardust of the '80s had long settled, and all the magic of those heady days - when MTV was a fledging channel that actually played music, when MJ wowed the world with his music and moves, when Madonna was breaking barriers one conical bra at at time - I never experienced personally. So I can only imagine what it must have been like to grow up with Michael Jackson - I didn't.
My earliest memories were the Remember the Time video, and of how I would laugh as my brother would spoof 'Heal the World' by singing 'Michael Jackson, is an ah qua, the greatest ah qua in the entire human race...' - somewhat ironic with 20/20.
But at some point, good music is irresistible. I bought a greatest hits collection - and to this day it is the only MJ CD I own - titled 'Number Ones' and no matter what you think about his personal life, man he had great songs! My personal favorites include Don't Stop Till You Get Enough, Rock With You, Beat It, The Way You Make Me Feel, Smooth Criminal, Black or White, Blood on the Dance Floor, Man in the Mirror... I'm sure there are plenty of album tracks I would love if only I'd listen to them.
I was shocked when I found out. It started just like every other working day. I'd hear the alarm and swear in hokkien to myself, toss and turn for a bit, then plant myself in front of the TV while having breakfast. I almost didn't turn on the TV that morning because I was kindda late, but when I did and saw the headline on CNN I was just taken aback completely and literally exclaimed aloud to my mother. Like Sep 11, I don't think I'll ever forget where I was and what I was doing when I found out.
Its the ultimate cliche, but yes, his music will live on. Also somewhat ironic that he got his wish, in the sense that, as far as the pop culture figure "Michael Jackson" is concerned, he'll never grow old. Like Marilyn and James Dean, people will never see him as old, because they never got to. In death, he fulfilled his wish of being the Peter Pan of music.
Of course, the reality is not as glamorized - his parents have lost a son, his children have lost a father, his siblings their brother... and that is sad. But in terms of celebrity mystique, this may have been the ultimate act of self-preservation. Doesn't make it any less tragic or shocking though, I still can't believe it.
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