Mr Bad Media Karma

A cursory peek into my fucked-up life. Rants and raves, musings and madness - come get your piece of me.

Friday, April 14, 2006


Is overrated. Ok the reality can be *pretty* mind-blowing - moaning, sweat, saliva, having your G-spot hit repeatedly till orgasm. Yes. That's lovely. But the aftermath of that is horrible when you're doing it with someone you don't know and don't particularly like. Now you may ask me, why have sex with someone you're not attracted to? That's a question I have to ask MYSELF.

Casual sex is overrated.

Movies movies movies. This time it was Transamerica and Take The Lead. Felicity Huffman's performance was flawless. As Meng said, she actually *really* looked like a man in some of the scenes. The whole road-trip concept was rather shaky, but these different bits contributed to giving you the full picture, of the intense feelings someone in that position would inevitably face. There were moments of comedy, especially when they meet Bree's family in Phoenix. However, this movie rested squarely on Felicity's performance. She pulled it off with aplomb, dildo and all. And the actor who played Toby was seriously hot tamale! I would pay him for hot hot sex any day!

On a more serious note, Transamerica depicted very pertinent issues, especially in this day and age of rising religious conservatism in the States, where being gay or transgendered immediately entitles you to condemnation and discrimination from certain quarters. It makes me sick. This isn't something that people CHOOSE. Just as someone born black should never be discriminated against, someone who is gay does not deserve to be put down, ridiculed and humiliated, with moronic evangelicals placing obstacles to their lives at every turn. But then again, racism isn't dead either. So really, everyone (myself included) still has a long way to go before this world is ever a harmonious place where people get along. I don't think it will ever be. Huamns have a natural proclivity toward conflict and discrimination.

Take The Lead was more fun to watch I suppose. Although watching Felicity Huffman really just draws you into the movie. Take The Lead has lots of dancing. All sorts. Tango, rhumba, foxtrot, salsa, hip-hop, and a mixture of all the above. Oh I just realised that my two movies are linked once again! See the post below if you don't understand. Both feature various DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES. Oh these housewvies. The one in question here is Alfre Woodard, who plays Betty Applewhite on Wisteria Lane. But never mind about that. Her school is located in Harlem, catering almost exclusively to minority kids (lots of blacks, hispanics and the token asian). This is a world apart from the white, rich students who attend the dance school that Antonio Banderas' character has opened many, many streets downtown.

He believes that these delinquents can be reformed through ballroom dancing, which does sound like a ridiculous idea doesn't it? And that's what everyone else seems to think initially. But as time goes on, he is proven right and dancing proves to be a salvation of these youth who supposedly have no future. Very cliche. And as Meng said, some parts of the story are rather unbelievable, even though it was based on a true story. But if you put these points aside, along with the fact that the movie seems to drag on at times, then it's a pretty decent watch.

I sound like some movie reviewer. It's not my intetion to turn this blog into some movie review website, like many other people habitually do. I have more movies to watch now. Rented Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Crash and Legally Blonde =p

I must say that I'm still not happy with the way my life is going. Still very...mellow. In reaction to what? I don't know. Failed relationships? I was the one who chose to end both and don't regret either decision one bit. I've got friends who are reliable and well, not so reliable, I live a pretty comfortable, sheltered life. I don't know. WHAT is missing? And please don't tell me it's God. I am Christian. I do consider myself Christian. I just wonder if Jesus does. Religion vexes me greatly and so I choose to brush it to one side, in the vain hope that one day everything will be solved. Of course I know that isn't true, but I am entitled to fool's hope no?


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