Keep It GAY (yay)
Wacthced The Producers and Inside Man these past 2 weeks. The Producers was great fun. OTT camp, thrilling, hilarious, just a shameless frolick in faggotry. The actors are brilliant and it was a riot to see George from Desperate Housewives try his hand at being a prancing giggly Queen. And boy did he do a great job! "QUICK, get back in the CLOSET!" I can't be arsed to do a proper review. It was a great movie and every self-respecting homosexual worth his Gucci shades and Louis bag should most certainly watch this one. You won't regret it. And if you do, boo hoo hoo, too fucking bad.
I just realised that both movies have connected in some bizzare way. No, nothing to do with the fact that one movie stars a gay actor (Nathan Lane) and the other stars a rumoured-to-be gay actress (the fabulous Jodie Foster). You see, The Producers' main plot revolved around deliberately staging the worst play ever known to mankind as a means of making big money. And Play Zero was Springtime for Hitler. The "certain interest" that Jodie Foster's character sought to protect in Inside Man had something to do with Nazi Germany.
Just looking at Jodie Foster in her all-white suit with platinum blonde hair coiffed into a smart ponytail was worth the $9.50. I'm sorry, not in the mood to think and form sentences to write out a decent review either. Let's just say that while the storyline may seem a tad predictable at times, there are sufficient twists and turns to keep one interested in the developments. This one might prove a tad...difficult...for those unable to grasp non-chronological scenes. And I honestly do feel that the culture of guilt and politically-correctness people STILL feel over the holocaust is seriously misguided. It happened, it was terrible, MOVE ON! I'm certainly not anti-Sematic in any way, shape or form, but the West's obsession with how deplorable the Holocaust was and how anyone who had the slightest thing to do with it should be crucified really is getting very old.
Having said all that, I wholeheartedly recommend The Producers to any discerning viewer with an open mind and a proclivity to laughter, and Inside Man to the average movie-goer who just likes a good suspense thriller with elements surprise and some wit.

-Home- The Old and Familiar <3 <3 <3
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