My rubbish taste in music never fails to amuse me. One of the earliest crappy songs that I took a bizzare liking to was MC's Loverboy back in 2001. When I first saw it in London I was thinking "Ooh Mariah Carey. Isn't she a huge star? This is gonna be GOOD." And then after watching that car-wreck (pun intended) of a video I was thinking "WTF was that?" But with time my appalling music taste reigned supreme and I ended up loving the song. Thanks to Da Brat and co, it's just one hilariously rubbish line after the other. "Banana split my Diary Queen, butter finger my tangerines!" Classic. Almost as classic as MC's legendary 2001 appearance on TRL. Last year brought along my obsession with Jessica's AWFUL AWFUL cover of These Boots Are Made For Walking (which Geri Halliwell did an awful cover of in 1999 I think, and Geri used to be my 2nd favourite singer ever). Hey ya'll, wanna come and see something? Uh uh uh uh can't touch, can I get a hand clap, for the way I work ma back. Crazy beat song INDEED. Urgh. Then there was Lala. Don't even get me started on that one. Awful awful song. But I LOVED it. You make me wanna lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala. And to top it all off, the cherry on my cake of shame, came another ASHLEE song in the form of BOYFRIEND. But really, I'm not saying that's a bad song per se. It's quite good really. Just...the whole idea of liking an Ashlee Simpson song. But it's excellent. The verses, the chorus, the bridge, the super addictive WHOA WHOA WHOA HA!-s. Everything about that damn song is pure pop perfection. When they played it in Happy last Saturday we went CRAZY. Excellent.
So enter 2006. A new year. A new beginning. A Rebirth. And what song do I find myself CRAVING? None other than another one by Miss Ashlee. It's more catchy than the bird flu. And the Missy remix is stunning. Put on our Louis Vuittons we look STUNNING, don't blame me if I look good HONEY. Sigh. Another year. Another platter of bad taste in music. If my taste in music was food, it would be expired oysters or something. Does that make sense? Whatever.
So anyway there's nothing much to write about. I was a bit unhappy with what happened yesterday but I suppose after all these years it's nothing new. I will never pull another "Jeff" again. Friendships take so long to build up and you can just destroy them in a second. Of course I suppose most friendships bound for the dumpster don't collaspe just like that. Cracks start developing over time. And when you liberate yourself from that situation you feel really good. Free. Happy. But with time comes regret. This has happened to me twice and I really don't wish for it to ever happen again.
Time to go. Twars.

You'll be happy some day. I know you will.
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