Nothing In This World

We did a LOT of walking that day. From Fishermen's Wharf to Chinatown, and finished our day at the Golden Gate Bridge, which is absolutely gorgeous. I walked from one end to the other, listening to My Only Wish This Year and Jump(actually when you look down at the raging sea a few hundred feet below you, this isn't the kind of song you want to be hearing), having that surreal, out-of-body sensation while turning back every now and then to savour the majesty of the city skyline.

ANYWAY on to the juicy stuff. Over the weekend, Britney and Paris stunned Vegas when they partied together and were each other's best friends for the night. It actually isn't that much of a surprise - Britney and Paris did hang out infrequently before she met the "love of her life".

Well, on Monday Mum and I found our own way to San Fran on *public transport*, with the total journey time there and back taking 3 bloody hours, but it was WELL WORTH IT.
Be careful what you wish for!

Turns out that I didn't have to wait till Vegas, PARIS was in San Francisco! I was walking past Macy's at Union Square and saw this sign in the window.
"Meet Paris Hilton! 20th Nov (Mon) at Noon in the Macy's Cosmetics Department"
I chuckled to myself and tried to figure out when that was. After 5 seconds, "HOLY SHIT THAT'S TODAY!" I looked at my I-Pod (without a watch or mobile, that's how I tell the time) and it was 1310 hours. DAMN IT MISSED HER BY AN HOUR! Then I realised that she may well still be inside so I dashed into Macy's and true enough, behind a crowd of people, was la Hilton herself, a few metres away from me!

Paris looks like a DOLL in real life. Her hair is long and blonde, she has an adorable smile, she actually looks really cute. And you know what? She seems like a very nice person! I mean, of course she has to be nice and all when she's meeting her fans at a promotion event, but somehow it felt genuine. She stayed for 2 hours plus, till everyone in the queue had met her and got their stuff signed. It seemd so uncanny, listening to Nothing In This World and Stars Are Blind with the singer right before my eyes, like a vision of Mary or somethig.
I actually got a GREAT picture of Paris on my second shot. I just put the camera WAY above my head and snapped. She happened to turn in my direction, waving with one hand, playing with Tinkerbell(that's the brown one right?) in the other. It was the best shot I had taken. And in typical Simon fashion, I DELETED IT BY ACCIDENT! I'm so used to taking pictures of myself, lamenting at how hideous they are, and proceeding to delete them, that I did the same thing with my money shot of Miss Hilton! =(
They did pose for pictures twice, but for some reason(put it down to my poor picture taking skills la) I was unable to get her looking at the camera.

But yeah it was really unexpected and I admit I was starstruck. After the signing was over she started talking to someone and seemed really tired, yawning for all to see. I guess she had yet to recover from all the partying with Brit! I followed her round to the basement. They sealed off one escalator for her to walk down and we took the other one. I felt like I was watching a paparazzi video on TMZ or Splash, just that this time I was IN the video! "WE LOVE YOU PARIS!" She looked up and acknowledged a bunch of teenage girls. By this point, the shades were on, her black pants and dark blue blouse showing off her very slim figure. Actually Paris does look like a model. She's got the proportions. I also got a peek of what she wrote as her autograph. To XXX, you're hot! Love Paris, or something like that la.
I've never been a huge fan of Paris but yesterday was really a memorable experience. And she does seem like a nice person. The best part? I've been within metres of someone who was partying with Britney a couple nights ago!!
Anyway I hope everyone is fine back in Singapore. Meng, Wei Ren, Lena, Tong, Elissa, Gerald, and anyone else who may read this. I really do miss you guys. But I am having a BLAST over here! Haha. Take care everyone!
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