Mr Bad Media Karma

A cursory peek into my fucked-up life. Rants and raves, musings and madness - come get your piece of me.

Monday, June 16, 2008

First Day Of Camp

I still remember queuing up outside Temasek Hall, waiting for my turn to register, and being led to the MPH and introduced to my OG. It didn't seem too long ago. And yet today a year has passed, and I was the one welcoming freshmen to law camp.

A few observations because, well, I am bloody tired and need to sleep and have a fucking long day tomorrow.

#1. I was so proud of Sam Anna and Cheryl, Chair and Vice-Chair of Land Telematch that went off without a hitch. Not just for the planning, but in their performance as station masters. They were all grown up, giving instructions to their juniors (or for the boys, a strange dichotomy of senior cum junior), conducting the actual game four times, staying back after the fun was over to scrub and clean, and yet keeping their smiles throughout. It was almost like a father watching his daughters, I don't know, walk for the first time or something.

#2. It was also heartwarming to see my fellow year twos (gosh that's gonna take some getting used to) who were OGLs and supervising, from Chengs and Denise sportingly rolling around in the disgusting slosh pit to Alphis taking charge of the entire camp and Derek On rallying his OG, which is also my OG, which I have yet to interact with (and this is my one complaint).

#3. Night court was less dramatic this year but in some ways was a lot... cleaner? Not so messy and convoluted. The distinction from one scene to the next was very sharp. And Caleb voluntarily participating in the proceedings... that's what you call coming full circle indeed.

So yeah I'm exhausted and have yet to eat dinner but I go to bed a very satisfied and happy man =)


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